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Cath an t-Sneachda – Snow Wars

How a handful of men and women risk their lives to protect the roads against mother nature's rumbling forces in the Canadian Rockies.

Bliadhna às dèidh bliadhna, tha cath a' dol ann am Beanntan Rocky Chanada. Cath an aghaidh nàdar ann an aon dhe na h-àiteachan leis an tomhas sneachda as motha san t-saoghal: British Columbia. Air talamh is anns an èadhar, bidh muinntir Chanada a' strì an aghaidh an t-uabhas sneachda a bhios a' cur a' bhun-structar agus beatha an t-sluaigh ann an cunnart.
An cunnart: maoimean-sneachda. Brùchd mòr sneachda a' siubhal aig 300 cmu, a' tilgeil fiù 's ulbhagan mòra sìos cliathaich na beinne coltach ri morghan. Sgòthan a tha dùmhail gu leòr airson beathach a mhùthadh ann an diogan. Buillean a bhriseas craobhan mòra coltach ri bioranan, a' tiodhlacadh 's a' sgrios gach nì romhpa.
Gu h-ìosal: Mòr-rathad 1, BC, Canada. 16,000 carbad gach latha, am prìomh shlighe bhon chladach a-steach dhan dùthaich.

Year after year, there’s war going on in the Canadian Rockies - being fought against nature in one of the snowiest places in the world: British Columbia. On land and in the air, Canadians battle against massive amounts of snow, threatening the infrastructure and the lives of their people.

The threat comes from avalanches - unstoppable, rumbling walls of thick snow travelling at speeds of up to 300kmh, tossing even huge boulders down the mountainsides like gravel. The clouds are dense enough to suffocate any living creature within seconds and the blasts are able to snap fully grown trees like twigs, burying and destroying everything in their way.
Down below is Highway No 1 which carries 16,000 vehicles a day as the main artery between the coast and the interior of Canada.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

44 minutes

Last on

Sun 4 Aug 2024 23:00


Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Editor Innes Macleod
