Tog do Shuil (Painted City)
Tha Mà iri Rodgers ann an Obar Dheathain airson Fèis bhliadhnail ealain-srà ide Nuart. Mairi Rodgers goes to the Nuart Festival, Aberdeen’s annual celebration of street art.
Ged nach eil mòran eòlais aice air saoghal na h-ealain, tha neach-naidheachd An Là , Mà iri Rodgers ann an Obar Dheathain airson Fèis bhliadhnail ealain-srà ide Nuart. Le còrr air ceathrad dealbhan-balla mòr eireachdail agus pìosan beaga inntinneach air an sgapadh air feadh meadhan na baile, tha tòrr mòr ri fhaicinn nuair a thogas tu do shùil ann an Obar Dheathain a-nis.
Tha Mà iri a’ cuideachadh luchd-ealain ainmeil as an Roinn Eorpa leithid Slim Safont, Jacoba Niepoort is James Klinge. Agus, tha i a’ coinneachadh an dealbhadair cliùtach Ameirigeanach Martha Cooper, a thòisich a’ togail dhealbhan de ghraffiti anns na seachadan ann an New York, nuair a bha daoine a’ coimhead air graffiti mar ruideigin mìllteachd, an à ite mar ealain. Tha Mà iri a’ gabhail an cothrom a là imh fhèin a chur ri ballachan na baile leis a’ cheist ‘na ceann air dè a tha laghail.
Journalist Mairi Rodgers is in Aberdeen for the Nuart Festival, an annual celebration of street art. A self confessed newbie to the scene, she signs up as a volunteer to discover what it’s all about. Aberdeen has established its global reputation, with over 40 huge murals and hundreds of smaller works dotted around the city centre. Mairi soon finds herself assisting some of Europe’s most talented muralists, including Slim Safont, Jacoba Niepoort and Glasgow-based James Klinge.
Mairi meets legendary photographer Martha Cooper, known for documenting the New York graffiti scene in the 1980s. Martha is impressed by the quality of the artwork on offer. But can graffiti really be described as art? And is it legal? Mairi joins Aberdeen artist Jon Reid on a tour of the city’s back streets, where he encourages her to pick up a spray can and make her own mark on this painted city.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Presenter | Mairi Rodgers |
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