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Bodach an t-Sneachda/Father Frismas

Father Frismas has always seen to it that every corner of the valley receives the perfect amount of snow in winter. But this year nothing is going as planned.

’S aig bàrr fear dhe na mullaich as àirde ann am beanntan nan Alpannan, a tha Bodach an t-Sneachda, caractar iongantach le cumhachdan draoidheil, a’ còmhnaidh. Bho àm nan cian, tha am bodach air a bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach oisean den ghleann a’ faighinn a’ chuid as coileanta de shneachda a h-uile geamhradh. Ge-tà, chan eil rud sam bith a’ dol mar bu chòir am bliadhna!

Tha Pòl, fear beartach a bhoineas dhan bhaile bheag, air ùr-phòsadh ach chan e tè chàirdeil a tha ann an Oighrig, a’ bhean ùr. Boinidh ise dhan bhaile mhòr agus chan fhuiling I am fuachd. Feumaidh Pòl a dhol dhan choille a ghearradh fiodh ann am meadhan a’ gheamhraidh agus ann a bhith a’ deanamh sin, tha e a’ dùsgadh Sìoman, Bòcan na Coille. Tha cothromachd na coille ann an cunnart. Tha Sìoman a’ cur stoirmean-sneachda agus gaoth làidir gu dol, tha Pòl a’ dol air chall anns an t-sneachda agus chan eil e comasach do Bhodach an t-Sneachda a chuid obrach a choileanadh. Gu fortanach, tillidh cùisean mar bu chòir nuair a thèid Eilidh, an nighean aig Pòl, ga lorg agus, nuair a gheibh Oighrig mhosach na thoill i.

On top of one of the highest mountains in the Alps lives Father Frismas, a wonderful character blessed with magical powers. Since the dawn of time, the old man has always seen to it that every corner of the valley receives the perfect amount of snow in winter. But this year nothing is going as planned.

In fact, Paul, an affluent villager, has got remarried to Edwige, an unfriendly townswoman who really can’t stand the cold. Paul is forced to chop wood in the forest in the dead of winter and he awakens Sylvain, the spirit of the forest. The forest’s perfect balance is threatened as Sylvain sparks off snowstorms and wind blasts, Paul loses his bearings in the snow and Father Frismas can’t do his job anymore. Fortunately, things will return to normal thanks to Paul’s daughter, who goes in search of her father, and miserly Edwige will finally get what she deserves.

24 minutes

Last on

Wed 27 Dec 2023 18:00


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
