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Oscar & Ealasaid Series 1 Episodes Available now

Bheil Sgeul air Maoileas?/Where are you, Boléro?
21/26 Boléro hits his head and can't remember anything!

Am Partaidh aig Seonaidh/Cousin Bébert's Party
19/26 Ernest's cousin is having a housewarming party and invites Ernest.

A’ Bhanaltrum Ealasaid/When the Storm Rumbles
18/26 Ernest is sick, and Célestine is taking care of him.

Guth Grinn Ealasaid/Célestine's Little Voice
17/26 Ernest is honoured when the mayor asks him to sing the Song of the Bears.

An Luchag Shneachda/The Snow Mouse
20/26 Célestine is preparing drawings for Mandarine's birthday but doesn't have anymore paint.