DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal
Linda MacLeod presents an appeal on behalf of the Disasters Emergency Committee for the hunger crisis in Afghanistan.
Linda NicLeòid le tagradh às leth Comataidh nan Suidheachaidhean Èiginneach , an DEC airson an èiginn acras ann an Afganastan.
Thathas a meas gu bheil suidheachadh sgriosail ma choinneamh sluagh Afganastan. Tha an tagradh seo a’ sireadh airgead gus biadh agus taic èiginneach a thoirt do mhuinntir Afganastan a tha an impis bà sachadh agus coltas gum bi gort a‘ toirt buaidh air còrr air leth de shluagh na dùthcha. nFaodaidh sibh tagradh air loidhne aig dec.org.uk : air a’ fon 0370 60 60 610 no faodar seic a sgrìobhadh airson ‘DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal’ agus a chur sa phost gu
PO Box 999, London, EC3A 3AA.
Linda MacLeod presents an appeal on behalf of the Disasters Emergency Committee for the hunger crisis in Afghanistan.
The population of Afghanistan is considered to be in a dire situation. This appeal seeks funding to provide emergency food and support to more than half of the country's population likely to be affected by famine.
You can donate online at dec.org.uk: on the phone 0370 60 60 610 or write a cheque for ‘DEC Afghanistan Crisis Appeal’ and post it to PO Box 999, London, EC3A 3AA.
Last on
- Wed 15 Dec 2021 20:25