Cruth-tire na h-Alba - Changing Landscapes
Ceòl, faclan agus ìomhaighean gluasadach air cruthan-tìre na h-Alba. Music, lyrics and moving images of Scotland's landscapes.
Tha Alba air a bhith moiteil à s a cruth-tìre. Ach aig an aon à m, tha Alba a-riamh air cron mòr a dhèanamh air an t-saoghal nà darra. Bidh am program-sa a’ meòrachadh air a’ chùram agus an dìth cùraim a tha sinn air a thoirt don à rainneachd. Anns an fhilm tha tasglannan film is bhidio na h-Alba bho na 100 bliadhna a dh ’fhalbh a ‘ sealltainn sgeulachd a’ chontrarrachd seo. Tha faclan bà ird, eag-eòlaichean, luchd-naidheachd agus luchd-siubhail - air an leughadh le Julie Fowlis agus Seumas Dòmhnallach - air an cur còmhla ri guthan dhaoine à bhaisteach bhon tasglann; daoine aig a bheil dà imh le fearann agus nà dar gu math eadar-dhealaichte bho chèile. Cluinnear Orcastra Symphony ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ na h-Alba a’ coileanadh clà r-fuaim de dh ’obair le sgrìobhadairean Albannach sean is ùr, nam measg Thea Musgrave agus Jay Capperauld agus cluinnear òrain bho Julie Fowlis agus Kris Drever.
Scotland has always been intensely proud of its landscape. But at the same time, Scotland has always done its natural world grave harm. This programme meditates upon the care and carelessness we’ve brought to bear on the environment. Scotland’s film archives from the last 100 years illustrate the story of this contradiction.
The words of poets, ecologists, journalists and travellers - read by Julie Fowlis and Seumas MacDonald - are combined with the voices of ordinary folk from our archival store; people whose relationship with land and nature is as varied as they are. Featuring prominently, ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Scotland’s Scottish Symphony Orchestra perform a carefully selected soundtrack of work by Scottish composers old and new, including pieces by Thea Musgrave and Jay Capperauld. We also hear from Scotland's leading folk musicians, Julie Fowlis and Kris Drever.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
- Thu 30 Dec 2021 20:00
- New Year's Day 2022 20:00