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Tha An Saoghal Làn Stuth/The World is Full of Stuff

Stuff is going missing all over the world but the team are distracted, fascinated by Squawk’s new Futuroid camera, which incredibly spits out snaps of future events.

Tha stuth a’ dol a dhìth air feadh an t-saoghail, ach tha na h-àidseantan air am beò-ghlacadh leis a’ chamara theachd-shaoghalach ùr aig Ollamh Gog-Gàg, a bhios a’ togail dhealbhan bhon àm ri teachd. Tha DM air uabhasachadh nuair a chruthaicheas an camara dealbh dhe fhèin is Ollamh Gog-Gàg a’ pògadh! Nuair a thèid Pamaidh a ghoid air falbh le soitheach-fànais, feumaidh Donnie Murdo agus Ollamh Gog-Gàg an cuid gràin a chur gu aon taobh agus obrachadh còmhla. Fhad ’s a tha iad a’ siubhail Phamaidh, tha iad air an toirt gu Flarg: an creutair-fànais a th’ air a bhith goid na rudan a tha a dhìth san t-saoghal. Len casan ceangailte is iad bun-os-cionn agus Flarg a’ bagairt gach rud air thalamh a ghoid, chan eil cùisean a’ coimhead ro dhòchasach.

Stuff is going missing all over the world but the team are distracted, fascinated by Squawk’s new Futuroid camera, which incredibly spits out snaps of future events. DM is aghast when the camera produces a photo of him and Squawk kissing! When Penfold is abducted by an alien tractor-beam, Squawk and Danger Mouse must overcome their mutual disgust to work together. Their search for Penfold leads them to Flarg, the alien who’s been nabbing the world’s missing items. Chained upside down, and with Flarg intent on stealing everything in existence, the situation looks hopeless.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Donnie Murdo Calum Macaulay
Various David Walker
Various Tony Kearney
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
