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Riasladh am measg Ròlaistean/Lost in Exaggeration

When the Danger Agency’s public approval ratings plummet, Colonel K brings in a truly out-of-this-world PR guru to help put things right.

Nuair a tha àireamhan ùidh a’ phobaill ann an Seirbheis a’ Chunnairt a’ tuiteam gu mòr, tha Còirneal Coinneach a’ fastadh eòlaiche PR airson rudan a chur ceart. Tha Donnie Murdo agus Pamaidh air an uabhasachadh nuair a chluinneas iad gun e Craosan, am fear as caraiche san reul-chrios, an t-eòlaiche seo. Ach tha Donnie Murdo ag atharrachadh a bheachd gu math luath às dèidh dha Craosan fhaicinn a’ cleachdadh an ròlaisteir aige: inneal a tha a’ tionndadh fiù ’s na tachartasan as dòrainniche nan taisbeanaidhean sgoinneil. Le cuideachadh bhon ròlaistear, tha daoine a’ sìor fhàs measail air Donnie Murdo gu ìre do-chreidsinneach, ach tha cliù mar seo a’ tighinn le cosgais. Tha Craosan a’ toirt air daoine smaoineachadh gun e eucorach a th’ ann an Donnie Murdo agus mar sin, feumaidh esan dearbhadh do shluagh an t-saoghail nach e eucorach a th’ ann idir.

When the Danger Agency’s public approval ratings plummet, Colonel K brings in a truly out-of-this-world PR guru to help put things right. Alarmingly for Danger Mouse and Penfold, that guru turns out to be the galaxy’s biggest trickster - Quark!

DM is soon won over after seeing Quark demonstrate his Exaggerator Device: an invention that spins even the most mundane event into an outrageously overblown display of awesomeness. With the help of the Exaggerator, DM’s popularity skyrockets to dizzying heights, but fame comes at a price. And when Quark starts making Danger Mouse look villainous, DM will have to convince the world he’s not the criminal everyone thinks he is.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Donnie Murdo Calum Macaulay
Various David Walker
Various Tony Kearney
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
