Episode 5
Cù ann an cunnart a beatha ann an Glaschu agus a' sgrùdadh piseagan liopard sneachda. A dog’s life is in danger and three snow leopard cubs are examined at 12 weeks old.
Anns an t-sreath seo coinnichidh sinn ri lighichean-sprèidh bho air feadh Alba is iad ri frithealadh iomadach seòrsa beathach beag is mòr, peatail agus fiadhaich. Bidh sgeulachdan toileachais agus bròin pailt agus sinn a’ coinneachadh ris gach creutair beò.
An t-seachdain-sa, aig Sgoil Bheat Ghlaschu tha an t-Ollamh Donald Yool os cionn obair-lannsa a tha air leth cunnartach air cù Bichon Frise. Feumaidh e cnap a tha ceangailte ris a’ phrìomh chuisle aice a thoirt air falbh agus tha i ann an cunnart a beatha.
Aig Pà irc Fiadh-Bheatha na Gà idhealtachd, thathar a' sgrùdadh na trì piseagan liopard sneachda airson trioblaid sùla a bhios ag adhbharachadh duilgheadasan fradhairc.
Agus ann an Leòdhas, tha Ella Hamilton air a cumail trang aig à m breith nan uan ach tha i air a beò-ghlacadh le cuilean à lainn bho à l de 11 cuilean a thà inig dhan lèigh-lann airson banachdachadh.
This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as we meet all creatures great and small.
At Glasgow Vet School, Professor Donald Yool is in charge of a particularly risky operation on a Bichon Frise dog called Becky to remove a tumour that is attached to her main blood vessel. She loses over half of her blood volume during surgery and her life is in danger.
At Highland Wildlife Park, three 12-week-old snow leopard cubs are being examined by specialist vets for an eye condition that can cause blindness if left untreated, and the team has difficult decisions to make.
And on Lewis, Ella Hamilton is kept busy during lambing season but she finds herself smitten by one puppy from a litter of 11 that have come in to the surgery for vaccinations.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Tha Ella ann an gaol
Duration: 02:23
Role | Contributor |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Series Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
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