Episode 4
Inneal deatachaidh dha each, obair lannsa air Chihuahua agus bheat ùr ann an Leòdhas. A horse with breathing problems, surgery on a Chihuahua and lambing time in Lewis.
Anns an t-sreath seo coinnichidh sinn ri lighichean-sprèidh bho air feadh Alba is iad ri frithealadh iomadach seòrsa beathach beag is mòr, peatail agus fiadhaich. Bidh sgeulachdan toileachais agus bròin pailt agus sinn a’ coinneachadh ris gach creutair beò.
An t-seachdain-sa, tha Fiona Crowden ann am Farfar a’ tadhal air each aig a bheil trioblaid analachaidh cunbhalach. Tha inneal deatachaidh aice a tha a’ dèanamh smùid mhìn dhen dhruga a ruigeas buill dhe na sgamhanan nach ruigeadh iad air dhòigh eile, ach chan eil e a’ cur an each suas neo sios.
Aig Ospadal nam Beathaichean Beaga aig Sgoil Bheat Ghlaschu tha Chihuahua a’ faighinn lannsaireachd air ball dìomhair dhen bhodhaig aige.
Agus tha bheat ùr san lèigh-lann ann an Leòdhas – chaidh Ella Hamilton a togail sna Hearadh agus tha i mion-eòlach air na caoraich aig à m breith nan uan.
This series takes viewers on a journey across Scotland following vets as they tend to animals from small to large to very wild. Stories of joy and stories of sadness as we meet all creatures great and small.
Fiona Crowden visits a horse in Forfar with ongoing breathing problems. She treats him with a custom made nebuliser, which is similar to human inhalers. It breaks up the drug into tiny parts that can travel directly to all parts of the lung - and the horse takes it all in his stride.
At the Small Animal Hospital at Glasgow Vet School, a Chihuahua needs surgery on a sensitive part of his body. And there is a new vet at the practice in Stornoway. Ella Hamilton was brought up on Harris and she is kept busy with sheep during the lambing season.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Cùm grèim air do churrain!
Duration: 01:28
Role | Contributor |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Series Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
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