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Run - Private Pet

Children’s drama. A young deaf boy visits his granny and befriends a grumpy neighbour’s dog. Together, they show how communication is not always about words.

Tha Sìm, aois 12, air a dhòigh bhith cuir seachad na làithean-saora còmhla ri Granaidh sa bhaile bheag bhòidheach aice. Chan eil Granaidh àbhaisteach ann an dòigh sam bith agus tha sin a’ còrdadh glè mhath ri Sìm. Nuair a tha an càparaid càr aice a’ briseadh sìos, tha Sìm a’ coinneachadh ri caraid ùr: cù a dh’ ainmicheas e ‘Rùn.’ Ach ’s e duine greannach a th’ ann am maighstear a’ chù agus feumaidh Sìm an cairdeas eatorra a chumail dìomhair no ’s cinnteach nach faic e a Rùn a-rithist.

Chaidh Rùn a chlàradh ann am baile beag ann an Cille Brìghde an Iar, Portencross. ’S e Cieran Darroch à Cillebhrìde an Iar am prìomh chleasaiche. ’S e cleachdaiche cainnt British Sign Language a th’ ann agus ’s e seo a’ chiad turas a tha BSL air nochdadh ann an dràma Gàidhlig chloinne.

A Gaelic language film produced for the European Broadcasting Union’s drama scheme for children.

Twelve-year-old Sìm is deaf, but he never lets that get in the way of mischief making. Delighted to be spending the holidays with his granny, he never knows quite what’s in store. When her old banger of a car breaks down, Sìm befriends a dog. But the owner is a grumpy fusspot who finds the dog a nuisance, and Sìm even more so when he starts to try and train his new pal. Things come to a head when the dog’s owner decides to get rid of it – and it’s up to Sìm to intervene. Together, boy and dog and demonstrate that listening is not always the same as hearing.

Rùn was filmed in the village of Portencross, West Kilbride. It stars Cieran Darroch in his acting debut. A profoundly deaf youngster, Cieran champions the use of British Sign Language on screen, with the adult actors following suit – the first time BSL has featured in a Gaelic drama.

14 minutes

Last on

Tue 31 Dec 2019 18:00
