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Colin Macleod - When It Kicks In

Unique access to Lewis singer-songwriter Colin Macleod as he tours on both sides of the pond.

Chan eil dupadh chaorach, ag obair na ghille, no iasgach nam feartan a th’ aig neach-ciùil roc mar as trice, ach chan eil Colin Macleod na rionnag roc àbhaisteach. À Eilean Leòdhais bho thùs far a bheil e fhathast a’ fuireach, chuir Colin ainm ri cùmhnant clàir le aon de na companaidhean clàraidh as motha san t-saoghail – BMG Records – ann an 2017. Na lùib tha cothrom a’ chiad chlàr aige, Bloodlines, a chaidh a bhrosnachadh bho a bheatha ann an Leòdhas agus seann sgeulachdan nan eilean, a chur air bhog ann an Ameireaga. Tha Colin a’ fuireach air a’ chroit an ath dhoras ri a màthair ’s athair, agus ag obair air an fhearann agus a’ sealltainn as dèidh nan caorach le a chù-chaorach dìleas, Sparky. Tha an ceangal dhan eilean riatanach na bheatha mar neach-ciùil.

Leanaidh sinn turas iongantach Colin thar 18 mìosan. Bho bhith air chuairt le Jeff Beck agus Sheryl Crow air gach taobh den Chuan Shiar, a’ nochdadh air The Late Late Show le James Cordon, agus a’ toirt taic dha neach-ciùil a bha e a’ leantainn bho bha e beag, Robert Plant, san O2 ann an Lunnainn. Sin uile mar phàirt làitheil de bheatha Colin Macleod agus e a’ leantainn an dà chuid beatha na neach-ciùil roc, agus saoghal socair teaghlaich aig an taigh sna h-Eileanan an Iar.
Dipping the sheep, working as a ghillie and going fishing are not the typical traits of a rock 'n' roll star, but then again Colin Macleod is not your typical rock star. Hailing from the Isle of Lewis, where he still lives, Colin signed a record deal with one of the world’s biggest labels, BMG Records, in 2017. His deal also included a 2018 American release for his debut album, Bloodlines, inspired by life in the Western Isles and old island stories.

Colin lives on the croft next door to his mother and father, working the land and tending his sheep with his trusty sheepdog, Sparky. His connection to the island is a fundamental part of who Colin is as a musician.

With unique access, we follow his remarkable journey over 18 months as he tours on both sides of the pond with the likes of Jeff Beck and Sheryl Crow, makes an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden and supports his boyhood hero Robert Plant at the O2 in London.

All part of life for Colin Macleod as he juggles the rock 'n' roll lifestyle, with his quiet family life back home in the Western Isles.

1 hour

Last on

Tue 19 Apr 2022 21:00
