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Sgiobair nan Taighean-solais/Northern Lighthouse Board

Bliadhna aig muir cuide ris a'Chaiptean Eric Mac a'Ghobhainn o Bhòrd nan Taighean-solais. A year at sea with Eric Smith, skipper of the Northern Lighthouse Board's tender vessels.

Scotland's seas are among the deadliest in the world. Only the most skilled of mariners can navigate the country's wild waters - among them, Captain Eric Smith of the Northern Lighthouse Board. As skipper of their tender vessels - the Pharos and Pole Star - it's Eric's job to sail to the places other mariners are told to avoid.

The story of today's Northern Lighthouse Board is told through one of its most experienced skippers. As he celebrates three decades with the NLB, the programmes follows Eric over a year at sea as he and his crew sail between the country's vast network of navigational aids.

Tha fairge cho cunnartach ri gin air an t-saoghal timchioll cladaichean na h-Alba. Cha dèan ach na maraichean is fheàrr cùrsa tro na cuaintean fiadhaich - nam measg, an Caiptean Eric Mac a'Ghobhainn aig Bòrd nan Taighean-solais mu Thuath. Na sgiobair air na bàtaichean-freastail, am Pharos agus am Pole Star, thig airesan seòladh gu àitichean a thathar a'moladh do mharaichean eile a sheachnadh. Ann an 'Sgiobair nan Taighean-solais' tha sgeulachd Bòrd nan Taighean-solais mu Thuath mar a tha e an-diugh, ga innse tro shùilean sgiobair cho sgileil sa th'aca. Le Eric a'comharrachadh deich bliadhna fichead aig a'Bhòrd, tha am prògram ga leantail fad bliadhna aig muir, agus e fhèin is a chriubha a'seòladh eadar solais-iùil ar cladaichean.

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 24 Oct 2021 23:00