Bha mi Latha Samhraidh/When Stornoway Was Dancing
S霉il air ais air eachdraidh sh貌isealta Ste貌rnabhaigh 脿s d猫idh a' chogaidh. Ceitlin LR Smith takes a warm-hearted look back at Stornoway's postwar social history.
Bheir Bha mi Latha Samhraidh s霉il air ais air beatha dhaoine ann an Ste貌rnabhagh anns na bliadhnaichean 脿s d猫idh an d脿rna cogadh. 'S e 脿m a bh' ann nuair a th脿naig atharrachaidhean m貌ra, le barrachd beairteis agus cultar 霉r a' nochdadh tro che貌l agus fiolm, ach airson grunnan bhliadhnaichean sh貌lasach fhuair na 'baby boomers' an cuibhreann a b' fhe脿rr de gach saoghal.
A warm-hearted look back at aspects of the social life of Stornoway in the decades that followed World War II. The baby-boomers, born in the years that followed the war, came into a community still reeling from the effects of war and the poverty that followed it. However, the next three decades saw steady improvement in their circumstances with a building boom and tweed industries providing jobs a plenty.
It was a time of great cultural change, with a new order emerging through the increasing influence of cinema and pop music. But for a time, the baby-boomers seem to enjoy the best of both worlds - the strength of community bonds forged in war and economic progress. Presented by Ceitlin LR Smith, Bha mi Latha Samhraidh is packed with warm, entertaining anecdotes about a halcyon period in Stornoway's history.
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Beatha sh貌isealta Ste貌rnabhaigh 脿s d猫idh An Darna Cogadh
Duration: 02:55
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ceitlin LR Smith |
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