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Stevie Wonder

Pr貌gram a' sealltainn beatha Stevie Wonder. Documentary examining Stevie Wonder and his contribution to both pop music and political activism.

Tha Stevie Wonder aithnichte mu thr脿th mar aon den luchd-ci霉il as fhe脿rr a bh' ann a-riamh. Le cho soirbheachail 's a bha cl脿ran lethid "Isn't She Lovely", "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" agus "Superstition" tha an ce貌l aige maireannach don luchd-leantainn agus do e貌laichean ci霉il cuideachd. Rugadh e ann am Michigan ann an 1950 agus th脿inig e gu aire dhaoine aig aois gu math 貌g mar aon de na seinneadairean soul as fhe脿rr a bh' ann an Ameireagaidh.

Aig aois 11 bha an seinneadair 貌g seo mu thr脿th air c霉mhnant fhaighinn le Motown agus as d猫idh 霉ine ghoirid, bhiodh e air a mholadh mar aon de na sgr矛obhadairean a b' fhe脿rr a bh' aca. Chan ann a-mh脿in gu bheil am pr貌gram seo a' sealltainn cho cudromach 's a bha Stevie Wonder ann an eachdraidh ce貌l pop, tha e cuideachd a' taisbeanadh nan iomairtean phoilitigeach anns an robh e an s脿s, bho bhith a' toirt urram do Mh脿rtainn Luther King gu bhith a' moladh a' chinn-suidhe, Obama.

In his own lifetime, Stevie Wonder is already recognised as one of the greatest and most thrilling live artists of all time. The success of such pop classics as "Isn't She Lovely", "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" and "Superstition" has made him immortal, for fans and critics alike. Born in Michigan in 1950, he emerged early as one of the greatest soul talents in America.

The "blind prodigy" already had his first contract with Motown in his back pocket by the age of 11 and would later be celebrated as one of that record label's most important artists and songwriters. This documentary looks not only at Stevie Wonder's importance in pop history but also at his political activism, from his honouring of Martin Luther King to his support of President Obama.

51 minutes

Last on

Thu 22 Dec 2016 22:30
