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Billie Holiday

Beatha Billy Holiday, air innse bho daoine a bha faisg oirre. Documentary following the life and death of Billie Holiday.

Bha beatha gu math inntinneach aig Billie Holiday agus chaidh t貌rr sgeulachdan agus fathannan timcheall mu deidhinn. Bho chionn ghoirid, tha t貌rr air a thighinn am follais bho diofar amannan dhe a beatha bho charaidean agus daoine air an robh i e貌lach. Tha na briathran seo a' cur teagamh anns na sgeulachdan, a' sealltainn boireannach l脿idir, agus t猫 nach robh air a buaireadh cho m貌r 's a bhathar an d霉il le drogaichean, deoch-l脿idir, fireannaich, dath craiceann agus sgaradh-cinnidh. Cha deach sgeulachdan mar seo mu 'Lady Day' fhoillseachadh a-riamh. Cluinnear bho daoine a bha faisg oirre, a' toirt seachad dealbh gu tur eadar-dhealaichte agus nas f矛or air an neach-ci霉il jazz s貌nraichte seo.

Billie Holiday's life was a roller-coaster ride and has since been the subject of countless myths, legends and rumours. In recent years, an increasing number of records and stories about her have come to light. Many of them stem from people who accompanied Billie Holiday at different stages of her life.

Comments from confidants, acquaintances and friends call into question many of the myths and reveal a strong personality, a woman who was anything but a pitiful victim of drugs, alcohol, men, skin colour and racial segregation.

This new appreciation of "Lady Day" has never before been revealed in a film. It focuses on stories told by people she was close to, refutes many of the myths and presents a very different, far more realistic portrait of this jazz icon.

52 minutes

Last on

Sun 18 Dec 2016 23:00
