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Diomhairean an Lusitania/Secrets of the Lusitania

Documentary investigating the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, following a team as they attempt to discover whether it was more than just a U-boat's torpedo which sank the ship.

Nuair a chuir b脿t-aigeil Gearmailteach an soitheach RMS Lusitania fodha air an t-seachdamh latha dhen Ch猫itean, naoi-ceud-deug 's a c貌ig-deug, chuir an tachartas, san deach c貌rr is m矛le neach a mharbhadh, uabhas air daoine air feadh an t-saoghail. Ach an e torpedo am b脿ta-U an t-aon rud a chur an Lusitania fodha? No an e spreadhadh eile a bh' ann - a ghabh 脿ite ri linn 's gun robh cargu m矛-laghail de dh'innealan-cogaidh air b貌rd?

Tha D矛omhaireachdan Dorcha an Lusitania a' daibheadh a-steach dha na doimhneachdan gus faighinn gu bonn an tachartais uabhasach a ghabh 脿ite. Tha am pr貌gram a' foillseachadh dhaibhearan ann an cuan cunnartach, luchd-saidheans a' rannsachadh teoraidhean spreadhaidh, agus nam faclan bho dhaoine a fhuair 脿s be貌. Tha sinn a' leantainn na sgioba is iad a' cleachdadh nan innealan-mara, innealan-daibhidh, agus na coimpiutairean as comasaiche a tha rim faighinn ann a bhith a' str矛 an-aghaidh an Atlantaig, na h-aimsire, agus fi霉 's an t-soithich fh猫in.

Tha na daibhearan a' cur am beatha ann an cunnart gus an t-slige a rannsachadh, ach an t猫id c脿il a lorg bhon Lusitania, agus an ionnsaich am fear leis a bheil i an t-adhbhar airson an dol-fodha?

When a German submarine sank the passenger liner RMS Lusitania on 7 May 1915, the loss of the boat and 1,198 lives shocked the world. But was the U-boat's torpedo the only thing that sank the Lusitania or was a second reported explosion caused by an illegal cargo of weapons?

Secrets of the Lusitania plunges below the waves on a new expedition to venture into the wreck in a bid to get to the bottom of this century-old war crime. With tense dives in high seas, lab research into explosive theories and the haunting recorded testimony of survivors, this revealing documentary follows the team as they deploy the latest submersible, diving and computer technology to battle the Atlantic, the weather and even the ship itself.

As divers risk their lives exploring the ghostly wreck, will the Lusitania finally give up her secrets and will the wreck's elderly owner finally learn the reason for her demise?

1 hour, 30 minutes

Last on

Sat 12 Nov 2016 23:00
