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Beloved Wilderness

Documentary examining the work of the Highlands and Islands Development Board during the 1960s, originally aired in 1970.

Chaidh am prògram Beloved Wilderness a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1970 agus thug e sùil air obair Bòrd Leasachaidh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean anns na seasgadan. Bha am prògram a' comharrachadh na còig bliadhna a chur Sir Raibeart Grieve seachad mar fhear-cathrach air a' Bhùird agus chaidh na sgeamaichean anns an robh e an sàs a chur fon phrosbaig.

B' e amas a' Bhùird taic a thoirt do sgìrean air a' Ghàidhealtachd a bha feumach air cosnaidhean gus an sluagh a ghleidheadh. Am measg nan àiteachan air an do thadhail am prògram bha eileanan Scalpaigh agus Bharraigh.

Ann an Scalpaigh bha am Bòrd a' toirt taic do na h-iasgairean bàtaichean ùra a cheannach aig àm nuair a bha iasgach a' sgadain gu mòr a' cur ri eaconomaidh an eilein. Ann am Barraigh b' e gnìomhachasan ùra leithid factaraidhean beaga a' dèanamh stuthan eileagtronaigeach agus speuclairean anns an robh am Bòrd an sàs.

Beloved Wilderness looks at the work of the Highlands and Islands Development Board in the 1960s. It marked the end of Robert Grieve's five-year tenure as chairman so this programme reflects on some of the schemes the Board had undertaken over that time.

The Board aimed to assist with the economic development of fragile areas throughout the Highlands and Islands in order to create jobs and maintain viable populations. Amongst the places the programme visited were the islands of Barra and Scalpay.

On Scalpay, the Board assisted local fishermen with the purchase of boats in order to guarantee a livelihood from the rich herring fisheries of the west coast whilst in Barra, initiatives such as small-scale factories making electronic parts and assembling spectacles provided much-needed employment.

53 minutes

Last on

Wed 10 Jan 2024 23:00
