Darren Laing examines the problems facing the Icelandic health service and Anne Lundon looks at the specific challenges facing Gaelic education in the traditional heartlands.
Air pr貌gram 贰貌谤辫补 na seachdain-sa, bidh Darren Linc ag aithris 脿 Innis T矛le, far a bheil seirbheis na sl脿inte a' str矛 gus dotairean le e貌las s貌nraichte a th脿ladh agus a chumail. Bidh Anne Lundon ann an Le貌dhas, a' coimhead ris na d霉bhlain s貌nraichte mu choinneamh Foghlam G脿idhlig sna sg矛rean far a bheil a' ch脿nan fhathast na ch脿nan coimhearsnachd, an taca ris an t-suidheachadh sna bailtean m貌ra.
In this edition of Eorpa, Darren Laing is in Iceland, where the health service is struggling to attract and retain specialist doctors.
Anne Lundon visits the Isle of Lewis, where she examines the specific challenges facing Gaelic education in the traditional heartlands compared with the situation in the big mainland cities, where dedicated Gaelic schools have been successfully introduced.
Last on
Foghlam tro Mheadhan na G脿idhlig sna h-Eileanan Siar
Duration: 03:17
Seirbheis sl脿inte Innis T矛le
Duration: 02:11
Foghlam tro mheadhain na G脿idhlig
Tha foghlam tro mheadhain na G脿idhlig air atharrachadh gu 矛re agus gu bheil sgoiltean G脿idhlig fa-leth an-diugh ri lorg ann an cuid de bhailtean m貌ra na h-Alba. Th貌isich a' chiad chlas G脿idhlig anns na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an naoi ceud deug ceithir fichead sa sia ann an sgoil Bhreasclete. Fhuair Anne Lundon a foghlam sa bhun shoil tro mheadhain na G脿idhlig agus i air a' chiad chlas G脿idhlig ann an sgoil Lacasdal, agus an t-seachdain sa tha i ann an Le貌dhas, a' coimhead air an adhartais a tha air a thighinn bhon th貌isich e anns na h-ochdadan - saoil d猫 d矛reach cho soirbheachail sa tha e air a bhith? Agus d猫 an t-sl矛ghe as fhe脿rr air adhart?
G脿idhlig Medium Education
G脿idhlig medium education has come a long way since it began in the 80's with many Gaelic schools now established in some of Scotland's cities. The first Gaelic class started in the Western Isles in 1986 in Breasclete school. Anne Lundon was educated through Gaelic medium in the first Gaelic class in Laxdale school, and this week she is in Lewis looking at how it's developed over the years. How successful has it been? And what is the best way forward?
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Darren Laing |
Presenter | Anne Lundon |
Producer | Iona MacRitchie |
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