Episode 1
·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ is back with a new series examining the most important stories from across Europe.
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In-imrich ann an Calais
Duration: 00:49
In-imrich ann an Calais

Tha Anne Lundon san Fhraing far a bheil à ireamh mhòr de dh’in-imrich suidhichte agus iad air teicheadh bhon leithid an Ear Mheadhanach agus Afraga – a’ dèanamh air a’ phort ann an Calais. An amas? Là brèagha air choireigin saoghal beartach Bhreatainn a ruighinn. Mar thoradh air an seo, tha Calais a’ cur thairis le daoine, leis a h-uile coltas gu bheil na ceudan suidhichte anns na campaichean mì-laghail agus iad gu mòr an eisimeil air carthannasan ‘son leithid biadh agus aodach. Tha an strì aca, ‘s iad a’ feuchainn air Breatainn a ruighinn, air còmhstri agus fòirneart adhbharachadh. Saoil ciamar a tha na h-ùghdarrasan a’ dèiligeadh leis an seo? Agus dè seòrsa buaidh a tha an t-suidheachadh a’ toirt air muinntir na sgìre?
Migrants in Calais
Anne Lundon is in France where large numbers of migrants are based having fled areas such as the Middle East and Africa with the aim of one day reaching the rich world of Britain. Calais as a result is overrun - with hundreds based in illegal camps, largely dependent on charities and aid workers for food and clothes. Their plight in trying to reach Britain has often caused conflict and violence. How are the authorities dealing with this? And what sort of impact does the situation have on locals?
25 bliadhna bho leagadh Balla Berlin

Fall of the Berlin Wall
With 25 years from the fall of the Berlin Wall, which separated families and friends, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ travelled to Berlin to speak to those upon whom the wall impacted strongly to see how they feel about the wall now. Memories of the wall still resonate strongly with many residents of Berlin. Despite the ensuing collapse of the German Democratic Republic and reunification of Germany much of the East of Germany, outwith Berlin is still perceived as lagging behind the West of the country.
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Anne Lundon |
Presenter | Calum Maclean |
Producer | Iona MacRitchie |
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe