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Agus a'nochd (Na h-Entertainers)

Documentary focusing on the entertainers who choose to spend their weekends competing with the jukebox in the pubs of Scotland.

'S e ce貌l be貌 aon de na rudan as motha a tha tarraing sluagh gu taighean-seinnse na h-Alba. Dhan luchd-ci霉il a chuireas seachad an deireadh sheachdain eadar am b脿r agus an 'juke-box' tha iad a' faighinn sealladh gu math diofraichte. Feumaidh iad na ceudan do dh' 貌rain agus comas cumail a' dol ge bi d猫 th猫id iarraidh.

Tha Nollie' MacFhionghain a' coimhead as d猫idh cursa goilf tron l脿. Tha e air a bhith a' cluiche taighean-貌sta Uibhist is Bharraigh fad deich thar fhichead bliadhna. Le c貌rr is tr矛 cheud 貌ran agus na seann fheadhainn gun stad.

Bidh Sandra MacBeth a' cluich anns an Espy Bar, Portobello. Le blas guth, bho Joni Mitchell gu Outcast; tha an taghadh aice a' lasadh am bar agus a h-uile duine a' seinn. 'S e iasgair chr霉bag agus fear a' bhocsa a th' ann an Iain 'Tonkan' D貌mhnallach.

S' urrainn dhan mhuir a bhith fiadhaich agus cornair a' bh脿r gu math be貌thail! Tha e tric ri lorg anns an 'Legion Bar', Ste貌rnabhagh, far a bheil iad ag iarraidh ce貌l dannsa traidiseanta.

Live entertainment remains one of the greatest selling points of any Scottish pub. The entertainers who choose to spend their weekends tucked between bar and jukebox see social life from a very different perspective.

They require hundreds of songs in their repertoire and the ability to keep on rocking with, whatever the regular's request. Sandra MacBeth performs in the Espy Bar, Portobello. With a vocal range from Joni Mitchell to Outcast, her cover versions light up the bar and everyone sings along. Iain 'Tonkan' MacDonald is a crab fisherman and accordionist.

The sea can be wild, and the pub corner can be equally lively! He is a regular feature in the legion bar in Stornoway, where traditional dance music is the customer's request.

1 hour

Last on

Fri 9 Mar 2018 21:00
