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Gasgich nan Goireasan/The Ladies and Gents

Episode 14 of 18

Squeeze into the stalls with some of Scotland's long suffering toilet attendants as they await news of the Loo of the Year Awards.

Aig amannan tha e mi-chàilear agus salach, tha thu gu tric leat fhèin, agus tha uaireannan fada na luib. Gu dearbh, chan e obair spaideil a th' ann an obair glanaidh ghoireasan na dùthcha. Ach uair sa bhliadhna tha na laoich aig a bheil liut airson a leithid air an aithneachadh aig tachartas air leth sònraichte. Leanaidh Gaisgich nan Goireasan - The Ladies and Gents cuid dhen luchd-glanaidh as dìthcheallaiche 's iad ag amas air duais a thogail aig 'Duaisean Taighean Beagan na Bliadhna', no na 'Toilet Oscars'. Le gàire agus le spèis seallaidh am prògram air eachdraidh nan goireasan poblach, le cha mhòr leth dhiu air a dhùnadh bho chionn ghoirid. Dhan teaghlach a tha air cùl nan duaisean tha iad da-rìribh riatanach!

It can be ugly, it can be grubby, it's long hours and often alone. Public toilet cleaning is hardly glamorous. But once a year some of these unsung stalwarts steal the limelight for a day... Gaisgich nan Goireasan - The Ladies and Gents squeezes into the stalls with Scottish lavvy cleaners as they await news of the Loo of the Year Awards, or 'Toilet Oscars'. Humorous and heartwarming, the documentary examines the history of the public 'cludgie', cut by half in recent decades. It's a matter of concern for the family run Awards team who claim to have 'have the bug' for toilets. Watch out - it may be catching.

1 hour