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Young Entrepreneurs/Beairteas Na D霉thcha

Episode 13 of 18

Sgeulachachdan misneachail bho ghinealach 貌g ghn矛omhach na d霉thcha. The inspiring stories of today's young entrepreneurs.

Anns na deich bliadhna a dh' fhalbh, the barrachd de dhaoin' 貌ga na h-Alba air a dhol gu foghlam aig 脿rd 矛re as d猫idh an sgoil fh脿gail na aig 脿m sam bith roimhe. Ach le suidheachadh doirbh an eaconamaidh, tha cothroman obrach air s矛or fh脿s gann. 'S ann aig amannan mar seo a tha smior gn矛omhachail na d霉thcha a' tighinn am follais, agus daoine 貌ga d矛cheallach a' gabhail uallach airson an cuid cosnaidhean fh猫in.

Tha Beairteas na D霉thcha a' d猫anamh luaidh air cuid den 貌igridh dhealasach seo. Ged a tha iad air diofar shlighean a ghabhail, tha liut sh貌nraichte ghn矛omhach aca uile. Bho ailtirean is luchd-glanaidh ch脿raichean gu breabadairean, b猫icearan agus luchd-ci霉ird choinnlean - bheir sinn s霉il air na tha dha-r矛ribh an l霉ib do ghn矛omhachas soirbheachail fh猫in a chur air d貌igh nad neach 貌g ann an Alba san l脿 an-diugh. Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd bho e貌laichean bhon roinn phoblaich agus pr矛obhaidich - mun bhuaidh a tha seo 's mathaid a' toirt air an eaconomaidh agus mun taic a th'ann dhaibhsan a tha ag iarraidh an ceum seo a ghabail.

Sgeulachdan misneachail bho ghinealach ghn矛omhach an l脿 an-diugh, 's iad a' cruthachadh toradh an l脿rna-mh脿ireach?

The past ten years have seen more young Scots going on to further education than at any other time in history. However, this has been met with a squeeze on employment opportunities, due to the economic climate. It is at times like this the nation sees a surge in the entrepreneurial spirit, as youngsters strike out to create opportunity and a living for themselves.

Young Entrepreneurs is a celebration of some of today's youngsters who have taken various paths, but all share that fire that pushes them on to success in business. From architects and car washers to weavers, bakers and candle makers, this documentary shines a light on some young entrepreneurs - to illuminate what it takes to succeed in business today. We hear from experts in the public and private sectors to gauge the effect young entrepreneurs have on the wider economy today - and what help is available for those wishing to start out.

Trusadh looks at the experience and inspiring stories of these young entrepreneurs today and discovers how they are creating the nation's wealth of tomorrow.

1 hour
