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This programme is not currently available on 成人快手 iPlayer

The British Connection An-diugh

An insight into the changes which have taken place in Ness on the Isle of Lewis since the TV programme The British Connection was broadcast in 1978.

Ann an 1978 thadhal sgioba bhon t-sreath phr貌graman The British Connection air sg矛re Nis ann an Eilean Le貌dhais far an deach bruidhinn ri cuid de mhuinntir na sg矛re mu f猫in-aithne agus d猫 bha a bhith nan Nisich a' ciallachadh dhaibhsan. Anns a' phr貌gram seo gheibhear cothrom am pr貌gram fh猫in fhaicinn a-rithist, cluinnear bho Nisich mu na h-atharraichean a th' air gabhail 脿ite anns a' choimhearsnachd bhon uairsin agus d猫 d矛reach a tha e a' ciallachadh a bhith nad Niseach ann an 2012.

In 1978, the 成人快手 television series The British Connection visited the district of Ness on the Isle of Lewis, speaking to residents about their sense of identity and what it meant to them. This programme offers the opportunity to watch the original version and discover how locals feel the community has changed in the intervening years and what their identity means to them in 2012.

1 hour

Last on

Mon 26 Sep 2016 23:00
