Le Sunnd a Seoladh
For many young men from the islands, the 1950s presented opportunities to use their seamanship to see the world. They recall experiences on board and in the ports they visited.
Do mharaichean comasach nan Eilean Siar cha b' ann beag air neo cumhang a bha a' roghainn a bh' aca de shoithichean is puirt is iad an ceann an cosnadh anns na bliadhnachan as d猫idh a chogaidh. Le cuimhneachan na maraichean fh猫in, dealbh is filmichean bhon am, tha am pr貌gram seo a' toirt be貌 na sgeulachdan a thaobh aona phort a bha air leth tarraingeach, New Zealand agus na soithichean a bha ga fhrithealadh.
For many young men from the islands, the 1950s presented opportunities to use their natural seamanship to see the world. The cargo vessels that carried goods all over the world became home to many of them. In this programme they recall their experiences on board and in the ports they visited, including amongst the most far-flung - New Zealand.
Last on
Sgeulachd port Wellington
Duration: 00:25
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- New Year's Day 2014 20:05
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- Sat 22 May 2021 19:00