The Law Show Episodes Episode guide
The Neuberger Experiment
Do women judge differently from men? Legal magazine with Joshua Rozenberg.
Lawyers in Revolt
Legal matters with Joshua Rozenberg. Will the government back down over cuts to legal aid?
Interview with the President of the European Court of Human Rights
The president of the ECHR Dean Spielmann responds to criticism of his court in Britain.
Deprivation of Citizenship
Joshua Rozenberg investigates government powers to strip Britons of their citizenship.
Inside the Supreme Court
Britain's most senior judge Lord Neuberger answers questions from the Supreme Court.
Are Drones Legal?
Should the laws of war ban 'drones'? Plus, illegal immigrants who can't be deported.
The Legal Future of Wales
Are the centuries of legal union between England and Wales coming to an end?
Sorting Out Extradition and Prisoner Voting
Joshua Rozenberg asks how rows over extradition and votes for prisoners can be resolved.
Joshua Rozenberg asks what it is like to represent yourself in court.
Compensation for Savile's Victims
Joshua Rozenberg asks how the courts will treat claims made by victims of Jimmy Savile.
Where Next for the Hillsborough Families?
Joshua Rozenberg asks where next for the families of those who died at Hillsborough.
White-Collar Crime
Joshua Rozenberg asks if the government is planning to go easy on white collar criminals.
The Quality of Advocacy
Joshua Rozenberg asks if reducing costs is affecting the quality of advocacy in the courts
Clashes Between Politicians and Judges
Joshua Rozenberg asks why in Britain and the US judges and politicians are at loggerheads.
Secret Courts, Drones and International Law
Joshua Rozenberg talks to former Foreign Office legal adviser, Sir Daniel Bethlehem.
Drug and Alcohol Misusing Families
Joshua Rozenberg visits London's Family Drug and Alcohol Court and asks how well it works.
Sport and the Law
Joshua Rozenberg investigates how the law is increasingly impacting on sport.
Privacy and Copyright in the Internet Age
Joshua Rozenberg asks how laws on privacy and copyright should work in the internet age.
Legal Aid Reform: Long Overdue or Denial of Justice?
Joshua Rozenberg looks at the government's controversial legal aid proposals.
Britain and Human Rights Law
Joshua Rozenberg investigates how reforming the Human Rights Act would affect UK law.
Taken into Consideration: An Admission of Guilt?
Joshua Rozenberg looks into offences 'taken into consideration' and false confessions.
Inquiries: Advice to Lord Justice Leveson
Joshua Rozenberg investigates how accountable such reviews as the Leveson Inquiry will be.
The August Riots
Joshua Rozenberg explores contentious legal issues which arose from the August riots.
Developments in Scottish Law
Presenter Joshua Rozenberg looks at recent developments in the Scottish legal system.
The New Business of Law
Joshua Rozenberg looks at radical changes to the way law firms can be owned and run.
The Coalition's Sentencing Reform Plans
Joshua Rozenberg explores the thinking behind the Justice Secretary's sentencing reforms.
Super injunctions
Presenter Joshua Rozenberg looks at the rise of anonymised injunctions in privacy cases.
Interview with Attorney General Dominic Grieve
Joshua Rozenberg talks to the Attorney General about contempt of court and prisoner voting
Legal Powers for the Welsh Assembly
Joshua Rozenberg looks at whether Wales is on the road to becoming a fourth jurisdiction.
What is the Future for Juries?
As trials become more complicated, Joshua Rozenberg asks what is the future for juries?