The Law Show Episodes Episode guide
Drones and the Law
Joshua Rozenberg presents a look at how effective the law is at dealing with drones.
Mums Behind Bars
Should fewer mothers be sent to prison? Joshua Rozenberg asks if there are alternatives.
Should doping in sport be criminalised?
Should doping in sport be criminalised? And the legal repercussions of the Paris attacks.
A Threat to Justice?
Joshua Rozenberg finds out why criminal courts charges have proved controversial.
Legal Aid Cuts: The Solicitors' Verdict
Solicitors affected by cuts in criminal legal aid give their verdicts on the changes.
Courts on Trial
As Michael Gove says the justice system is failing, an expert panel critiques UK courts.
Spies, Fifa, Fare Dodging
The proposal to give judges the power to authorise the interception of communications.
Bringing Assad to Justice
The prospects of mounting a successful prosecution against Syria's Bashar al-Assad.
Migrants and Maritime Law
Do commercial ships have a legal duty to help those they find in distress at sea?
A Day in the Life of a Magistrate
Would the system of lay magistrates be invented today? Presented by Joshua Rozenberg.
The Strange Case of the Salted Snack
The salty snack that led to a six-year-old's exclusion from school. What does the law say?
Protecting the Innocent
Is the system for dealing with miscarriages of justice good enough? With Joshua Rozenberg.
Magna Carta 800 Years On
How much of today's law really comes from Magna Carta?
Government on Trial
The British court case that could damage Britain's relations with the United States.
The Spywatcher
Are the UK's spy agencies breaking the law? We ask the man whose job it is to judge.
Can the PM Go to War?
Does the PM have to ask Parliament before committing Britain to military action overseas?
Law in Action at 30
Joshua Rozenberg discusses the most significant legal developments of the last 30 years.
Policing Social Media
Are online arguments and abuse on social media taking up too much police time?
Open Prisons
Following a spate of high profile escapes, does the open prison system need reforming?
Cross-Examination in the Pistorius Trial
Evaluating the combative cross-examination techniques used in the Oscar Pistorius trial.
Failing to Make Crime Pay
Why have government agencies consistently failed to recover the proceeds of crime?
The Policing Debate
A panel of experts and an audience in Liverpool ask: can we trust the police?
Cameras in Court
Appeal courts on TV, the job of a judge's clerk, and how feudal law affects homeowners.
Jurors in the Dock
Tough new laws for juries, lawyer-free litigants, and can you arrest Tony Blair?
Bringing Bankers to Book
Locking up bankers, 'get out of jail free' letters, and is justice a luxury for the rich?
Investigatory Powers Tribunal
Interview with the president of the court which considers complaints brought against MI5.
Too Many Law Students, Not Enough Jobs?
Are too many students studying law in a time when jobs in the legal profession are scarce?
Chemical Weapons and the Law
Joshua Rozenberg reveals how laws relating to chemical weapons stretch back 2,000 years.
Interview with the Attorney General
Attorney General Dominic Grieve on sentencing, the laws of war and human rights.
The Right to Be Forgotten
What information do internet companies have on us, and how can we delete it?