Radio 1 Teen Hero - Niamh

Niamh has a very rare and complex illness. In fact, it’s so uncommon that there is a limited support network available, so she decided to make one herself.
Niamh has had multiple health problems since birth. She's had several operations for problems affecting her breathing, at 4 years old she became blind due to a rare auto immune illness called neuromyelitis optica, and at age 5 Niamh was paralysed. As a young teenager she was bullied and experienced depression and self-harm.
Radio 1 has received messages from group members around the world saying how much Niamh has helped them online.
Niamh is constantly trying to help others with the same illness through her Facebook page. She also runs an for young people with chronic illnesses across Whatsapp, Tumblr and Twitter. Radio 1 has received messages from group members around the world saying how much Niamh has helped them online.
She uses her Niamh's Nmo Facebook page and to to raise awareness of her condition, is the children's ambassador for the charity , and runs an online support group for young people with chronic illnesses.
In the future she would love to be a therapist or counsellor, and a vlogger focussing on supporting those with chronic illness, mental health problems and raising awareness of NMO in the hope of finding a cure.
Short-Listed Heroes
Will, who is 13 years old, has defied his Asberger's Syndrome to raise a huge amount of money for charity.

In February 2014 Will's grandfather died, having lost his third battle with cancer. Later that year, just before his 12th birthday, Will asked for donations to the Movember charity, rather than presents, to help people suffering from the disease.
During the month of November, Movember encourages people to be sponsored to grow a moustache. Although he couldn't grow one of his own, Will dressed up as a famous moustachioed character every day and posted a picture on social media. Having dressed up as Freddie Mercury, Keith Lemon and Ron Burgundy, to name just a few, Will was able to raise more than £7,000.
Will subsequently received a lot of media attention which, because of his Asberger's Syndrome, pushed him out of his comfort zone. In spite of this, he launched a new initiative for Movember 2016 called MiniMoBros, encouraging young people of any age to have their photo taken with a moustache. The campaign was a huge success, raising more than £12,500 - a massive £20,000 over two years!
Seventeen-year-old Shannon is a carer and charity volunteer who overcame her anxieties to be part of an anti-bullying campaign.

Having already completed studies in health & social care at college, Shannon now works caring for a nine-year-old girl with epilepsy and hydrocephalus, which means that she requires the care of a 10 month old child. She is also a tremendously supportive sister and daughter to her younger sister and mum, both of whom have experienced mental health difficulties.
Shannon regularly gives up her time to help the charity Barnardo’s, most recently during their campaign to secure her local branch an award which recognises the participation of young people and listening to the voice of children.
As a survivor of bullying, Shannon has used her experiences to support other young women tackling these issues, and has made an anti-bullying video with in which she bravely shared her experiences.
Meet more of this year's 成人快手 Radio 1 Teen Heroes, and find out why we chose them.