Oisean a’ Ghrà mair Sreath 12: 5
CRIOMAG: Ciorstaidh (‘Airgead’)

1. —(A)INN - ‘I would’
“Cha chanainn gu bheil mi ann an cabhag sin a dhèanamh.”
“I wouldn’t say that I’m in a hurry to do that.”
“Cha bhithinn comhfhurtail ann a bhith ceannach flat beag.”
“I wouldn’t be comfortable buying a small flat.”
“Mar sin tha mi feuchainn ri deposit agus airgead a chur gu aon taobh airson ’s gum faighinn caran taigh neo àite nas motha a bhiodh freagarrach fad bhliadhnaichean.”
“So I’m trying to put a deposit and money aside, so that I could (might) get like a house or a bigger place that would be suitable for years.”
Chanadh i - She would say
Bhitheadh (bhiodh) a’ chlann toilichte. The children would be happy.
...airson ’s gum faigheadh iad taigh. ...so that they would get a house.
would (could): —ADH
I would (could): —AINN
Chanainn nach eil sin glic. I’d say that’s not smart.
Sgrìobhainn dhan Chomhairle sa bhad. I would write to the Council immediately.
Cha bhithinn sona as d’ aonais. I wouldn’t be happy without you.
Mholainn dhut sùil a thoirt air na goireasan air-loidhne. I’d recommend you take a look at the online resources.
2. Buadhairean / Adjectives: -ach → -aiche (comparative)
“Tha mi mothachail an-dràsta (uill a-nise), gu bheil mi ann an suidheachadh far a bheil e nas coltaiche gun tèid agam air a dhèanamh.”
“I’m aware just now (well, now), that I’m in a situation/position where it’s more likely that I’ll be able to do it.”
“...sùil a chumail air mar a tha a’ mhargaidh agus cùisean ann an Obar Dheathain, airson ’s gun dean mi an rud as ciallaiche.”
“...to keep an eye on how the market and things are in Aberdeen so that I’ll do the most sensible thing.”
Buadhairean (Adjectives) le —ach, mar eisimpleir
ciallach - sensible
coltach - likely, similar
brònach - sad
sunndach - cheery
freagarrach - suitable
feargach - angry
(n)as ciallaiche - more/most sensible
(n)as coltaiche - more/most likely
(n)as brònaiche - more/most sad (sadder/saddest)
(n)as sunndaiche - more/most cheerful
(n)as fhreagarraiche - more/most suitable
(n)as fheargaiche - more/most angry (angrier/angriest)
Tha thusa nas ciallaiche na mise. You’re more sensible than me.
An e sin an dòigh as ciallaiche? Is that the most sensible way?
Sin an t-adhbhar as coltaiche. That’s the most likely reason.
Tha e nas coltaiche nach cuala i sinn. It’s more likely she didn’t hear us.
An naidheachd as brònaiche. The saddest news.
Tha iad nas sunndaiche an-diugh. They’re cheerier today.
Tha sinn ag iarraidh àite nas fhreagarraiche. We want a more suitable place.
Dè an t-àm as fhreagarraiche dhut? What’s the most suitable time for you?
Sin an duine as fheargaiche a chunnaic mi riamh. That’s the angriest man I’ve ever seen.
3. ‘I’ll manage to’: Thèid agam air...
“Tha mi mothachail an-dràsta (uill a-nise) gu bheil mi ann an suidheachadh far a bheil e nas coltaiche gun tèid agam air a dhèanamh.”
“I’m aware just now (well, now) that I’m in a situation/position where it’s more likely that I’ll be able to do it.”
“...misneachd a bhith agam gun deidheadh agam air sin a reic gu sgiobalta”
“...to be confident (‘to have confidence’) that I would manage to sell that quickly.”
THÈID (will go) / CHAIDH (went) / DHEIDHEADH (would go)
CHA TÈID (won’t go) / CHA DEACH (didn’t go) / CHA DEIDHEADH (wouldn’t go)
Thèid agam air a dhèanamh. I’ll be able to do it, I’ll manage to do it.
An tèid agad air? Will you manage it? Will you be able to?
Chaidh aice air dhol ann. She managed to go.
An deach aige air àite a lorg? Did he manage find a place?
Cha deach againn air falbh. We didn’t manage to go away.
Dheidheadh agaibh uile air faighinn a-steach. You’d all be able to get in.
Cha deidheadh aca air am flat a reic. They wouldn’t manage to sell the flat.