15 celebrities get super real about their mental health issues

Olly Alexander from Years & Years on his mental health journey
Olly talks openly about his mental health experiences.
Radio 1 have just launched a campaign around mental heath to run throughout 2017. Called My Mind & Me, it will give young people a platform to explore & discuss a broad spectrum of issues around their Mental Health. From dealing with stress and pressure around exams; to self-esteem, confidence & body image; to anxiety and depression – we’ll cover all areas of mental well-being.

Mental health issues can be notoriously difficult to talk about, thanks to the stigma surrounding them in years gone by, but it doesn’t have to be that way – and your favourite famous faces are starting to agree. Just look at ’ Olly Alexander, who appeared on recently to share his battles with bulimia, anxiety and depression.
Thankfully Olly isn’t the only one getting vocal and normalising the conversation. From to , these are the stars speaking out about their own battles with depression, anxiety, OCD and more mental health issues, and championing their fans to get help with theirs.
Zayn on anxiety
In 2016, Zayn Malik cancelled an appearance at the Capital Summertime Ball, due to his crippling anxiety. Taking to Instagram to explain his no-show, Zayn wrote, “Unfortunately my anxiety that has haunted me throughout the last few months around live performances has gotten the better of me… with the magnitude of the event, I have suffered the worst anxiety of my career… I know those who suffer with anxiety will understand and I hope those who don’t can empathise with my situation.”
And, since opening up about his mental health issues, Zayn has continued to speak out about them. In a November 2016 interview with ES magazine, the former member said, "For me to pretend that I didn't have anxiety would be fake. I speak about it so that people understand that it doesn't matter what level of success you have, where you're from, who you are, what sex you are, what you do - you can still experience these things."
Jade Thirlwall on depression and anorexia
In ’s book Our World, Jade reflects on her teenage battle with anorexia. "I felt so depressed at the time that I just wanted to waste away and disappear," wrote Jade. "My periods stopped and things were getting out of control but I don't think I really cared about what was happening to me. They sat me down in the clinic and were quite tough at first, spelling it out, ‘You're destroying your body and if you keep doing this you will die.’”
If you have a problem with food or your weight, you may have an eating disorder.
Selena Gomez on anxiety and depression

After taking three months off from social media and seeking treatment for anxiety, panic attacks and depression, Selena Gomez - who also suffers from lupus - returned to the public stage with an emotional speech at the 2016 American Music Awards. "I kept it all together enough to where I would never let you down," she said. "But I kept it too much together to where I let myself down. I had to stop, because I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside.
"I have to say thank you so much to my fans, because you guys are so damn loyal, and I don't know what I did to deserve you. But if you are broken, you do not have to stay broken. That's one thing you should know about me - I care about people. And this is for you."
Miley Cyrus on depression
Speaking to Elle magazine in 2014, revealed that insecurities over skin problems led her to feel depressed. “I went through a time where I was really depressed. I locked myself in my room and my dad had to break my door down,” said Miley in her cover interview. “It was a lot to do with, like, I had really bad skin, and I felt really bullied because of that. Because I never was depressed because of the way someone else made me feel, I just felt depressed."
Like Zayn, Miley knows how important it is to speak out about her mental health in order to help her fans feel more understood. “They know that I’ve struggled with depression and that helped them get over theirs,” she continued. “That gives me a big purpose – a reason to wake up in the morning that’s bigger than to put on my feathers and my little outfits.”
Justin Bieber on depression

“I always leave feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression,” wrote on Instagram, when announcing his decision to stop doing meet and greets with fans. “The pressure of meeting people’s expectations of what I’m supposed to be is so much for me to handle and a lot on my shoulders."
Everybody gets down sometimes. But if it's stopping you living your life, you may be depressed.
Lady Gaga on post-traumatic stress disorder

On visiting a homeless centre for LGBT youth in New York in 2016, Mother Monster revealed that she suffers from PSTD. Speaking about the homeless centre visit in an interview with the Today show, said, “I told the kids today that I suffer from a mental illness. I suffer from PTSD. I’ve never told anyone that before, so here we are. But the kindness that’s shown to me by doctors as well as my family, and my friends, it’s really saved my life.”
Kendall Jenner on anxiety and panic attacks
It’s pretty understandable that Kendall might be feeling anxious after sister Kim Kardashian was held at gunpoint in Paris last year. Writing on her app in early January, Kendall revealed, "Anxiety was a huge hurdle for me to deal with this past year (and security concerns didn't help), but I think I'm finally learning how to cope.
“I once had a really bad attack on a plane and just had to ride it out. I felt my heart beating a million miles an hour and I even went a little numb. [I've] learned that it's all mental, so I try to prevent anxiety attacks by bringing my mind somewhere else."
Cara Delevigne on suicidal thoughts

Speaking at the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Cara said, “I think I pushed myself so far [at school] that I got to the point where I had a mental breakdown…I was completely suicidal, I didn’t want to live any more. I thought that I was completely alone. I also realised how lucky I was, and what a wonderful family and wonderful friends I had, but that didn’t matter. I wanted the world to swallow me up, and nothing seemed better to me than death.”
Ed's note: You don’t have to suffer on your own. If you're feeling in despair, it could make all the difference to talk to someone about how you are feeling. You could talk to your GP/family doctor, or to someone who is trained to help like The Samaritans. You can call The Samaritans’ at any time on 08457 90 90 90
People attempt to take their own life when they feel they've nothing to live for. Everyone has something to live for. Whether you are considering it yourself or are worried about someone you care about, read on.
Lots of things can make us feel anxious and stressed, and people stress about different things. But it's important not to let it take over.
Halsey on bipolar disorder and attempted suicide
After admitting to Elle magazine in 2015 that she suffers from bipolar disorder, spoke further about her mental health struggles to Billboard last year, including a suicide attempt which landed her in a psychiatric hospital. “I had tried to kill myself,” she said. “I was an adolescent; I didn’t know what I was doing. Because I was 17, I was still in a children’s ward. Which was terrifying. I was in there with 9-year-olds who had tried to kill themselves.
“The day I got out of the hospital I was in the car and I was listening to . It was a moment for me. I don’t think I realized how important music was to me before that. Three years later, I was opening their U.S. arena tour.”
Demi Lovato on her eating disorder and self-harm

“[My eating disorder and self-harming] was a way of expressing my own shame, of myself, on my own body," told ABC's 20/20. "I was matching the inside to the outside. There were some times where my emotions were just so built up, I didn’t know what to do. The only way that I could get instant gratification was through an immediate release on myself."
Lena Dunham on OCD, anxiety and depression
Lena Dunham took to Instagram to share that she'd found an unexpected outlet for her anxiety. “Promised myself I would not let exercise be the first thing to go by the wayside when I got busy with Girls Season 5 and here is why: it has helped with my anxiety in ways I never dreamed possible. To those struggling with anxiety, OCD, depression: I know it's mad annoying when people tell you to exercise, and it took me about 16 medicated years to listen. I'm glad I did.”
You hear the term used a lot, but what does it mean to live with OCD?
Rowan Blanchard on depression
Writing on Instagram, Girl Meets World star Rowan said, “As I found myself, this year in particular, going through ups and downs with depression, I realized that instead of rejecting and ostracizing these teenage feelings (human feelings), I can learn to love the intensity of them and know that everything is momentary. I learned this year that happiness and sadness are not mutually exclusive. They can exist within me at the same time in the same moment.”
Jared Padalecki on depression
The Gilmore Girls star admitted to Variety that his depression took him completely by surprise. “It kind of hit me like a sack of bricks. I mean, I was 25 years old. I had my own TV show. I had dogs that I loved and tons of friends and I was getting adoration from fans and I was happy with my work, but I couldn’t figure out what it was; it doesn’t always make sense is my point. It’s not just people who can’t find a job, or can’t fit in in society that struggle with depression sometimes.”
Ellie Goulding on panic attacks

Speaking to Flare magazine, said, “I was skeptical [about having cognitive behavioural therapy] at first because I’d never had therapy, but not being able to leave the house [because of panic attacks] was so debilitating. And this was when my career was really taking off… My surroundings would trigger a panic attack, so I couldn’t go to the studio unless I was lying down in the car with a pillow over my face.
"I used to beat myself up about it. There were a couple of times when I was doing promo and thought, 'Oh god, it’s coming back, it’s coming back,' but it didn’t. I think my body has become quite good at controlling anxiety.”
Troian Bellisario on self harm
Pretty Little Liars star Troian spoke out about her history of self harm to Seventeen magazine. “I started self-harming when I was a junior [in high school]," she explained. "I would withhold food or withhold going out with my friends, based on how well I did that day in school... I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong, so I think I created this bizarre system of checks and balances to create order in my world. But it really backfired. [Even now] sometimes I’ve felt like a fraud. Like, I’m not like these other girls [on Pretty Little Liars] — I don’t dress like that and don’t know how to do my hair."
This article was updated at 12pm on 18/01/2017.
The reasons why people self-harm are often misunderstood. Reading our factfile will hopefully help you understand why you or someone you care about is doing it, and how to take steps to stop it.
If you need some help on issues like these, ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Advice has the support you need.