Hazelnut custard, honeycomb wafers, candied apples and blackberries
Hazelnut liqueur

150g shelled hazelnuts
200g sugar
2 teaspoons smoked seasalt
500ml water
200ml vodka
Set the oven to 180oc and spread hazelnuts onto a baking tray. Roast for 10 minutes and place in a clean kilner jar. Place the sugar, salt and water in a pan and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Pour onto the nuts and add the vodka. Seal the lid and place in a pan of hot water. Place on heat and bring to a heat that’s just hot – not simmering. Leave for 2 hours and remove from heat. Allow to infuse for a couple of hours. Line sieve with muslin and pour over the mixture. Bottle the liquid. Use the nuts for cakes or salad.
500ml double cream
50g butter
4 tablespoons hazelnut liqueur
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
9 egg yolks
75g castor sugar
Set oven to 150oc. Butter 4 large metal moulds or 8 small ones.
Bring the cream to the boil and add the butter, hazelnut liqueur and vanilla and remove from heat. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar and pour the cream mixture on top. Pour into the moulds and place on a baking tray. Bake until set on top but still wobbly in the middle – about 15 minutes for large moulds, less for smaller ones. Cool and then chill. Dip in hot water and remove from
Honeycomb crumble wafers
100g castor sugar
1 tablespoon liquid glucose
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons water
1 dessertspoon baking soda
Place the sugar , glucose, honey and water in a heavy based pan and bring to the boil. Without stirring allow to turn to an amber liquid – 142oc on a thermometer. Add the baking soda carefully and stir in. Immediately turn onto
a sheet of parchment paper and allow to cool. Place in a bag and bash to a
powder with a rolling pin or crush in a food processor.
50g plain flour
40g soft butter
50g castor sugar
Set oven to 180oc and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
Rub the flour and butter to fine crumbs and then mix in the sugar. Spread over the tray and bake for about 15 minutes or until golden and firm. Cool.
Line a baking tray with parchment paper and set oven to 170oc.
Place a ring mould on the paper and sprinkle honeycomb over the bottom. Repeat to make 4 wafers.
Place in oven for 2 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle over some
crumble over the top and return to oven. Bake for a further minute. Cool.
Cider candied apples and blackberries
2 cooking apples
150g castor sugar
200ml sweet cider
150g blackberries
Peel, quarter and remove core from apples. Cut into 2cm chunks.
Heat the sugar in frying pan to a golden amber liquid. Add the cider and boil to thick syrup. Add the apples and cook for a couple of minutes until soft but still holding their shape.
Fold in the blackberries and cool.
To assemble:
Place a custard on a plate and top with some of the cider candied apples. Place wafer on top and serve immediately.