Roast Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy
Roast Turkey with Cider Gravy and Soda Breid Stuffing

1 x 5kg turkey
2 onions, peeled and halved
2 sticks celery, chopped roughly
Bouquet garni of bay leaf, few sprigs fresh rosemary and thyme
375g butter
750ml dry cider or apple juice
1 litre chicken stock
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons cornflour
Set the oven to 180°c.
Place the celery, onions and bouquet garni in a roasting tray.
Place the turkey on top and season with salt and pepper.
Melt the butter and 375ml of the cider in pan and add a piece of muslin big enough to cover the turkey.
Soak all the juices in the muslin and drape over the turkey, tucking in at the bottom.
Pour the remaining cider into the bottom of the pan
Allow 30 minutes per kilo of turkey and an extra 20 minutes on top for cooking time.
45 minutes before the turkey is due to be ready, remove muslin.
Warm the honey and brush over the turkey.
Baste the turkey a few times while it continues to cook with the juices and remaining honey.
When turkey is cooked – check by inserting a knife into a leg and if the juices run clear it’s ready.
Remove turkey, cover with muslin and a teatowel and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
To make the gravy, add the stock to the cooking liquor and bring to the boil.
Mix the cornflour with cold water to make a paste and mix into the gravy to thicken.
Cook for 5 minutes then blend to a smooth sauce.
Pass through a sieve and check seasoning.
Carve the turkey and serve.
Soda breid stuffing
2 small onions, peeled and finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely diced
2 red eating apples, peeled
2 tablespoons dried redcurrants ( or substitute dried cranberries)
25g butter
500g sausage meat
75g soda breadcrumbs
Handful chopped parsley
Cook the onion and celery in the butter until soft and golden.
Place in bowl and cool.
Grate the apples (leaving the core) into the mix with the sausage meat, red currants, breadcrumbs and parsley.
Mix well.
Form into walnut sized balls place on buttered baking dish.
Cook in a 180°c oven for about 25 minutes.