Delicious potato and smoked dulse wafers with langoustine
Potato and smoked dulse wafers

2 medium baker or rooster potatoes
10g butter
2 egg whites
10g potato starch
½ teaspoon smoked salt
1 teaspoon smoked dulse
Bake the potatoes, cut in half and scoop the hot flesh into a fine sieve over a bowl. Press the potato into the bowl and add the butter. Mix until butter melts and add the smoked salt and smoked dulse. Beat in an electric mixer for a minute. Add the egg whites and beat for 3 minutes. Beat in the potato starch.
Heat oven to 180oc and line 2 baking trays with parchment paper.
Place a tablespoon of the mixture on the tray and spread with a palette knife thinly. Repeat over the tray and bake for about 10-12 minutes or until golden and crisp. Leave for a minute then remove from tray onto a wire cooling rack.
Serve immediately or carefully store (they are brittle) in an airtight container.
Barbecued Langoustine
16 langoustine tails (ask your fishmonger)
1 tablespoon oil
Place tails in boiling salted water for 10 seconds then plunge into iced water.
Drain and pat dry with kitchen paper. Brush with oil and cook on barbecue
grill for 2 minutes each side. Peel, remove the intestinal tract from the back.
Pickled carrots
2 large carrots
100ml cider vinegar
100ml water
50g castor sugar
1 teaspoon seasalt
Peel the carrots then shave into ribbons with a potato peeler.
Boil the vinegar, water, sugar and salt until sugar has dissolved. Cool and pour over the carrots. Allow to pickle overnight. Roll each ribbon into a “scroll”.
Carrot top dressing
20g carrot tops
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons peat smoked vinegar ( or regular cider vinegar)
A pinch sugar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
75ml oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Blend the carrot tops, parsley, vinegar, sugar, mustard and oil together and check seasoning.
To assemble:
Top a wafer with 2 langoustines, some pickled carrot and then spoon over some of the dressing. Garnish with red veined sorrel or fenne.