Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 4: 14
1. Sùil Air Ais: Chaidh X a dhèanamh (‘X got done / was done’)

(Faicibh Prògram 10. Cuideachd: BEAG AIR BHEAG Sreath 3, Prògram 9.)
Chaidh an gàrradh a chruthachadh.
‘The garden was created.’
Thèid an drochaid a chàradh.
‘The bridge will get restored.’
Chaidh am bàta a bhualadh.
‘The boat was hit.’
Chaidh cumha a sheinn.
‘A lament was sung.’
Cha deach duine a ghoirteachadh.
‘No-one got hurt.’
Chaidh balla a thogail.
‘A wall was built.’
Thèid an geata a chàradh.
‘The gate will get repaired.’
Thèid an gàrradh fhosgladh chun a’ phobaill.
‘The garden will be opened to the public.’
Derek MacAoidh (Aithris na Maidne):
“Chaidh an gàrradh aig Caisteal Cowden ann an Siorrachd Chlach Mhanainn a chruthachadh anns na ficheadan.”
“The garden at Castle Cowden in Clackmannanshire was created in the twenties.”
2. ‘I/You/He/She’ etc. got chosen / was chosen’: Chaidh mo/do/a thaghadh
(Faicibh BEAG AIR BHEAG Sreath 3, Prògram 10; Sreath 2, Prògram 5.)
Eisimpleir 1: taghadh ‘choosing’. ‘I was chosen / got chosen’:
Chaidh an sgioba aca a thaghadh. ‘Their team got chosen.’
‘I was chosen / got chosen.’ Chaidh mo thaghadh. (‘Went my choosing.’)
‘You were chosen.’ Chaidh do thaghadh. (‘Went your choosing.’)
‘He/It was chosen.’ Chaidh a thaghadh. (‘Went his/its choosing.’)
‘She/It was chosen.’ Chaidh a taghadh. (‘Went her/its choosing.’)
‘We’ll get chosen.’ Thèid ar taghadh. (‘Will go our choosing.’)
‘You’ll get chosen.’ Thèid ur taghadh. (‘Will go your choosing.’)
‘They’ll get chosen.’ Thèid an taghadh. (‘Will go their choosing.’)
Eisimpleir 2: milleadh ‘spoiling, damaging’. ‘I was spoilt / got spoilt.’
Karen Elder (Aithris na Maidne):
“Chaidh a mhilleadh le bleigeartan anns na trì ficheadan.”
“It was damaged by vandals in the sixties.”
Chaidh taigh-tì anns a’ ghàrradh a mhilleadh.
‘A tea-house in the garden was vandalised.’
‘It (masculine) was vandalised’:
Chaidh a mhilleadh. (‘Went its/his vandalising.’)
Chaidh drochaid anns a’ ghàrradh a mhilleadh.
‘A bridge in the garden was damaged.’
‘It (feminine) was damaged’: Chaidh a milleadh. (‘Went its/her damaging.’)
Chaidh na lòchrain anns a’ ghàrradh a mhilleadh.
‘The lanterns in the garden were vandalised.’
‘They were vandalised’: Chaidh am milleadh. (‘Went their vandalising.’)
Chaidh mo mhilleadh le mo sheanmhair ’s mi òg.
‘I got spoilt by my granny when I was young.’ (‘Went my spoiling’)
Chaidh do mhilleadh ’s tu òg, agus tha bhuil!
‘You were spoilt as a kid, and it shows!’ (‘Went your spoiling’)
Eisimpleir 3: càradh ‘repairing’. ‘It got repaired’:
Karen Elder (Aithris na Maidne):
“’S ann an-dràsta fhèin a tha tè a tha càirdeach ri Ella Christie airson ’s gun tèid a chàradh.”
“Right now there’s a woman who’s related to Ella Christie wanting to have it repaired.” (‘wanting that it will get repaired’)
An tèid an gàrradh a chàradh? Thèid, thèid a chàradh.
‘Will the garden get restored? Yes, it will get restored.’ (‘its/his restoring’)
An tèid an drochaid a chàradh? Thèid, thèid a càradh.
‘Will the bridge get repaired? Yes, it will get repaired.’ (‘its/her repairing’)
An tèid na lòchrain Iapànach a chàradh? Thèid, thèid an càradh.
‘Will the Japanese lanterns get repaired? Yes, they’ll get repaired.’
Eisimpleir 4: togail ‘raising, bringing up, lifting’. ‘I was brought up’:
Chaidh mo thogail le mo sheanmhair.
‘I was brought up by my grandmother.’ (‘my bringing up’)
Càit’ an deach do thogail?
‘Where were you (thu) brought up?’ (‘your bringing up’)
Chaill pàrantan Mhowgli e sa choille agus chaidh a thogail le madaidhean-allaidh.
‘Mowgli’s parents lost him in the forest and he was brought up by wolves.’ (‘his bringing up’)
Rugadh i an Alba, ach chaidh a togail san t-Suain.
‘She was born in Scotland but she was brought up in Sweden.’ (‘her bringing up’)
Chaidh ar togail mar aon teaghlach.
‘We were raised as one family.’ (‘our raising’)
Càit’ an deach ur togail?
‘Where were you (sibh) brought up?’ (‘your bringing up’)
Thèid an togail leis a’ phost a-màireach.
‘They’ll be picked up by the postie tomorrow.’ (‘their picking up’)
Eisimpleir 5: cur ‘sending, putting’. ‘I was sent’:
Thèid mo chur a Hiort.
‘I’ll get sent packing to St Kilda.’
Thèid a chur gu oifis eile.
‘He’ll get sent to another office’.
Chaidh a cur gu dreuchd eile.
‘She got assigned to another job.’
Chaidh an cur air falbh an-dè.
‘They were sent off yesterday.’
3. PUINGEAN EILE (Sùil Air Ais):
(a) Chaidh agam ..../ Thèid agam .... (‘managing to ...., being able to ....’)
(FAICIBH Prògram 10.)
Karen Elder (Aithris na Maidne):
“Tha millean not fhathast a dhìth air an iomairt, mus tèid aca ris [ / air] a’ ghàrradh fhosgladh chun a’ phobaill son a’ chiad triop ann an leth-cheud bliadhna.”
“There’s a million pounds still needed by the campaign, before they’re able to open the garden to the public for the first time in fifty years.”
Tha mi an dòchas gun deach agaibh air bhith a-muigh.
‘I hope you managed to be outside.’
An tèid agad air saor-làithean a ghabhail?
‘Will you manage to take a holiday?’
(b) Ga dhèanamh (‘being done, in the process of being done’)
(FAICIBH Prògram 9.)
Derek MacAoidh (‘Aithris na Maidne’)
“Is mu dheireadh an-dràst’, tha obair ga dhèanamh gus gàrradh àraid Iapànach air cnoc Albannach a chàradh.”
“And finally for the moment, work is ongoing (being done) to repair a special Japanese garden on a Scottish hill.”