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Inspiration On Download by George Sear

I wasn’t very good at reading in primary school. I used to find it hard work and never really discovered that book that made me think, ‘wow, I have to finish this!'

C成人快手 Friday Download's George Sear
Whenever I get the tiniest idea for a story I jot it down.
George Sear

When I did read I always found it hard getting to the end. That was until my Dad challenged me to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows over the year five summer holidays. I carried that book everywhere with me and read it at every opportunity. After six weeks, I’d finally finished it. I remember reading the last chapter aloud with excitement. It was a great achievement for me, plus I’d overtaken my sister at reading!

After that, I dived into the wonderful world of books. I quickly got through the rest of the Harry Potter series and moved on to Cherub soon after (a book series I strongly recommend to teenagers). It sounds like a cliché but I really did see a difference at school. I moved up in year six literacy class and eventually I was in the top set for English, achieving the best grades of any of my subjects. I eventually got an A for my GCSE!

Every now and then I look back and I think how glad I am that I accepted that challenge when I was ten. Without it things would have been a lot different. Not just in the way it helped improve my school work, but for the fun I’ve had too. For example, I might not have had the inspiration and ideas to write a TV show with my Dad, or I may not have teamed up with a friend at the age of fourteen to write an action-adventure story (we’ve just finished the first draft, hooray!).

That’s one of the good things about being an actor and TV presenter: I get a lot of free time and I make the most of it by writing. Whenever I get the tiniest idea for a story I jot it down. I love developing a storyline and complex characters. I believe you should follow your instincts, and when you get that lightbulb moment, that catalyst for a great idea, pursue it. You might regret it one day if you don’t!

Sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up in social media and smartphones. People assume that’s all us youngsters are about, but I disagree. I could spend all day reading a fantastic book and afterwards I feel inspired, enthralled and bathe in a sense of achievement. After spending a couple of hours writing, like I did for this blog for example, I can’t wait to share my ideas with someone. The same can’t be said for tapping away on my phone playing Angry Birds or scrolling my newsfeed on Twitter. I don’t think you can ever beat a good read. Technology will keep changing forever and become outdated, but a great story will always be a great story!

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