express trains thunder through a crumbling station somewhere in Eastern
Europe. One of them brings Morocco, a dishonest businessman, returning
laden with memories and cheap, smuggled vodka.
also brings two refugees in search of shelter and safety. Fascinated
by their exoticism, Adele, the stationmaster's daughter, yearns
to make her own escape.
is the powerful new play by one of Scotland's well known contemporary
dramatists, David Greig.
play is directed by Ilan Goodman, who makes his directorial debut
at the Playhouse. His father, Henry Goodman is currently playing
the lead in the RSC's Richard III.
and topical insights on asylum seekers and immigration in the production
are hoped to stimulate thought among the audience, particularly
given the recent controversy over the asylum centre planned in Oxfordshire.
power of the train in the production becomes a metaphor for the
destructive progress brought about by globalisation and modernisation.
offers new opportunities, but with it scant respect for tradition
and stability.
will be playing at The Oxford Playhouse from Wednesday October
22 until Saturday October 25.