husband has spiky hair, a matted beard with putrid pieces of mouldy
liver lurking within it and a flatulence problem that could knock
your socks off.
wife is equally as bad with a screwed up face like a cat's rear,
huge, bushy eyebrows and a temper that would make your nails curl.
on earth is she going on about', I hear you cry? Well who else could
it be apart from Roald Dahl's most gruesome pair, 'The Twits'.
first saw one of Dahl's stories performed on stage about 15 years
ago when I was 'knee high to a grasshopper'.
scary Mrs Twit. |
was so excited to see a story I had read so many times being brought
to life on stage.
as soon as I heard 'The Twits' was coming to The New Theatre, despite
being somewhat older, I was off my settee before you could say 'Roly-Poly
Bird' (I'll explain later).
those of you who have never heard of this fantastic tale, let me
give you a brief run-down of the plot.
evil Mr and Mrs Twit (played brilliantly by Richard J Fletcher and
Wendy Reed) want to make a quick buck so they decide to go to Africa
and capture two monkeys called Mr and Mrs Mugglewump (Rachel Donovan
and James Pearson).
Twits create an amazing upside-down circus but in the process they
treat The Mugglewumps terribly.
monkey's only gleam of hope is the birds (Daniel Wexter and Jackie
Drew) and the amazing Roly-Poly Bird (Daniel Crute).
whole experience begins with a raucous entrance of shouting; drums
and violins as the characters burst into the auditorium.
flamboyant characters brought a sense of adventure to every child
in place, with their audience participation and their hilarious
slapstick humour.
It probably sounds like some sort of strange hallucination, but
trust me it's highly entertaining and with constant narration by
Matt Baker is very easy to follow.
what are you waiting for? Either get down to the New theatre and
see this disgusting duo for yourself or just read the book.
if you haven't got a child to take with you, don't worry, because
as soon as you get down there you'll feel like a child again yourself.
Cherry Jordan