Tom's book
searching Tom's house detectives discovered the beginning
of a book Tom may have been writing.
was the footie superstar with everything to play for. More
dosh than Baros. Better looking than Becks. More talent
than Thierry. Ladies fancied him, blokes wanted to be him.
But he blew it all away on drugs, loose women, daft bets
and fast living.
'Wozza' Taylor - the Yank who is a plank. This is his exclusive
first met Wozza two years ago, when he had the feet of Pele
and the luck of ...[Note to editor: put someone lucky in
here, will you? Ta - Tom]. The press was full of stories
about him and poor Kieron Steele - the lad who lucked out.
Everyone was saying Wozza killed Kieron, but no one was
saying it to his face. Except me.
does it feel to be a murderer?" I said to him, And
do you know what his answer was? [Note to editor: make something
up here, will you? Ta - Tom].
goes a long way to explaining where he's got to now. Up
a river. Without a paddle. And with a bloody great hole
in his canoe.