Gerard McKeown
Gerard Mc Keown is a graduate of Cumbria Institute of the Arts and became part of the Belfast performance poetry scene. His poetry and short stories have been published in various anthologies and writing magazines. His comedy: 'A Short Play About Stealing Stuff From School' was produced by Theatre By The Lake In Keswick, England. Visit website for more details.
Inside a Phone Box by
Gerard McKeown
I am inside a phonebox.
It is too hot.
Taking off my jacket does not help,
The humidity is still getting to me.
My call is in a queue
(They hope I understand)
I am feeding the payphone
To listen to a loop of on-hold music.
Two pounds later I am put through.
The company are trying to charge me more than I owe them.
I argue with the man at the other end.
I get my way and hang up.
I leave the phonebox to a gentle breeze
That disperses the muggyness in the air
I walk down the hill and over the bridge
Across the river and on into town.
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