Brian Murray
Brian was born in 1969 and comes from County Tyrone. He is married almost 20 years and has two great kids. Brian has been writing for just over a year and half and tries to write a little each week to help him escape from the humdrum. Brian only writes for himself but finally decided to share some of his work!
The Lagan by
Brian Murray
I walked along the Lagan today in the low morning sun
The river still and calm
Its slow methodical flow easing toward the sea
The Gulls calling and swooping overhead
The busy city seemed miles away as I gazed at the world mirrored
In the distance Goliath and Samson still towered above all else
These Remainders of a glory that has past,
Titanic symbols of power and strength
Of what was only an echo of a shipyard now faded
Nothing but the yellow majesty of scale remains from that bygone age
This once great artery of the old town
Is still, calm, in retirement now meandering to the Sea
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