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24 September 2014
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Norfolk expats
What do you miss most about Norfolk?

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I too am an ex-Norwich man having lived in New Zealand from 1975. On reading the letters and visiting the website brings back all the thing that we missed and enjoyed. I worked in the shoe industry and lived in the Heartsease Estate before moving to Hellesdon, still have family over there and would love to make another visit, our family keeps us pretty well informed but enjoy the web cams and reading the expats letters which brings back many memories.

Interested to see there is another Peter Harvey that moved to New Zealand two years after myself also living in the North of NZ. Any old friends over there who remembers me I would love to catch up with you. There are countless things that we miss about Norwich, too many to list. I also listen to the news from this website. So to all who participate thank you and keep it going. My e-mail is jpharvey@ihug.co.nz



Isabel (from Bedford) put it nicely. When I brought my children home to meet their grandparents for the first time, I promised to take them to the seaside and I did. They also played on the sand, went to the funfair. My father commented on the money I was spending, but as I explained, the children would probably never do this again and I wanted to have something to remember.
I also took them kite flying on Mousehold Heath, again giving them a memory of things I did.
Two years ago I was in Norfolk and you can guess where I went: Great Yarmouth. I ate chips on the market and walked along the beachfront. Should I be lucky enough to return, there is no need to tell you where I shall go. I may walk slower now but I shall have time to enjoy those lovely places again, regain my Norfolk accent and head right for the fish and chip shop. How I would dearly love to bring my grandchildren to Norfolk to see just what a lovely county it is.



Hi, I lived in North Park Ave till 1967 when we moved to New Zealand where I'm very happy but miss the Canaries. I also miss friends from Blackdale & Hewett Schools, especially Terry Staff & Leslie Pepper. Would be neat to hear from them. In the meantime On the Ball City.



If Norwich was not such a great place why do so many expats miss it, and return, often some from over the sea? Because you have everything you could need in Norfolk for all ages and all walks of life.There is the history, the arts, shops, the excellent schools.The funfair, the Broads with all the wildlife, you can find peace when you want it, or noise, company, clubs when you feel alone. There is the religious side where people can find peace and comfort. The different shades of green, the sea, sand, and Norwich market, there is colour, but most of all the wonderful Norfolk people, some laugh at out dialect, maybe they should listen instead and learn. The Norfolk people are the kindest, caring and always ready to help if you let them. Let your children go to Norwich see the castle let them learn while having fun, take them to see the seals and the animals learn about the birds all before it's to late for them. Then let them enjoy Great Yarmouth and the funfair, eat proper fish and chips, run on the beaches, look at real life, and above all breathe the fresh air, so let their minds and bodies benefit from such a wonderful place. You will be giving them so much in their life - and mum and dad you will find you can relax and rediscover the togetherness you once had. Give yourselves wonderful memories that you and your children can share and talk about as you all grow older. Norwich and all Norfolk can bring you all together. There is so much more I could tell you about this lovely place, but there are others who can tell you more then I can. I can just say Norfolk means caring, sharing, learning and great fun. I do hope you discover it all, it's waiting for you.



Hi, my name is Wendy Moore, nee Withers - and no I didn't go to school in Norfolk - but my ancestors did in the聽1850s.聽
John Showell Withers, from Holt, married Amy Caroline Tucker, from Cromer, in 1829.聽 Are any of my relatives still in the area?聽 I would love to hear from you. I live in, and was born in, Australia.聽聽
My e-mail address is wendyamoore@hotmail.com



I have really enjoyed reading the expats' comments and they seem to have one thing in common - they all miss Norfolk.

I have lived in Australia since 1967 and love to return to the Norfolk villages and countryside. I still have family there and within three days my accent seems to return. I especially love going back in summer when the strawberries are out. I wish Australia were closer so that I could pop over for a long weekend. I used to live in Pilot Street and went to Gaywood Park school leaving in 1954. My family name is Irwin I still have a brother living there, my family were quite well known in the North End area and I still have relatives living there. Anyone who remembers me I would love to hear from you at wendypenman@optusnet.com.au



I am interested in getting in touch with anyone who remembers me from Norwich, Attleborough, Wymondham or Strumpshaw. Attended Notre Dame years 1962 - 1966. I would like to hear from old school friends or anyone.
I live in the USA - Wisconsin, maiden name Marion Gooch. E-mail 聽gamfleck@aol.com.
I have great memories of Norwich and school days, get back when I can. Would love to hear from anyone.



I grew up on the Heartsease estate, moved to the USA in '73. I went to Heartease secondary. Is there anybody out there who can remember when we won the cricket cup final in '70 or '71. We had to have Paul Grady come home from holiday, which, lucky for us he did. The person at bat who won it for us, his surname was Robinson or Robertson if memory stands correct. We went to Woodside Juniors at the time, please tell me someone remembers. I played football for Lakeford Rangers with Robin Bircham, Paul Grady, a few others I can't remember. Anyhow if you have any replies contact me at Blimeybe@cs.com.



I'm not really an expat Norfolk man as I was born in Yorkshire, but I spent about 22 years living and working in the Norwich area so I think I just about qualify. For the last (almost) 12 years I have lived in a lovely part of Switzerland called Graubunden. Mountains and skiing all around, just a little bit different to Norfolk. we live about half an hour from Klosters and an hour or so from St. Moritz. I still visit Norwich, usually about twice a year, staying with friends. It's always lovely to be back again strolling through the city with my Swiss fianc茅 who has also fallen in love with the place. Great to have the webcams which I found on your site yesterday! Talk to you again soon.


I am 24 and currently living with my husband in San Diego, California. Life couldn't be better, we have weather like that of Camelot and the fun is endless, BUT, I miss little old Norwich. This is a truly beautiful part of the world, but nothing beats humble old Norwich. I never thought I would say this, especially throughout the excitement of moving here, but I would love to live in Norwich again. My Mum is still in Poringland and keeps me up to date with what's going on, but it's not the same. Maybe we'll make it back some time soon...



What do I think of Norfolk I miss it. I am now 58 left Hunstanton at 18 - 19 but always think about how pretty it is there. Nothing can compare with the loveliness of Norfolk friendliness of the pepole them selves and the air so fresh and clean.


I am trying to find someone who can provide any information regarding the Spooncer family who left Norfolk and either went to Bristol or emigrated to the USA. In particular one Thomas Spooncer. The date is likely to be after 1800. Please contact me at tony@aspooncer.freeserve.co.uk


I would like to say Hi & A Happy New Year to everyone in Hunstanton - there's nothing like 成人快手 Sweet 成人快手 & I do miss it - My True 成人快手


Hello folks, my daughter found this site and sent it on to me, I have already been in contact with my old childhood friend Ted Armiger, and notice several folks who live in the US are not far from me. The first place I make for when I get home is the market place and have an Aldous ice cream, not quite the same as the late Billy Aldous made it. Then a walk around the back of the Inns, into Jarrolds, wander around London Street, and then wait for the bus to take me back to my sisters at the Heartsease. I was there just over 12 months ago and got lost, but never cease to wonder at the countryside which my sister took me around, I knew the places but had no idea how to get there. It takes about three days before I get my accent back, thas orl roit init? If anybody wishes to contact me in Canada you can do so by email at tyfam@lks.net



Like many others, I really enjoy your site. It's good to keep up with local news and every now and again I look at the webcams to remind myself what a beautiful city Noriwch is.



Just found your wonderful site. Glad Sheringham Station has been saved. My brother and I spent many hours there, waiting for our Dad to come home on leave during the war. We were from Yarmouth and Gorleston, but like lots moved about. I have been in Canada for many years. Still have friends in Norfolk and abrother in Sussex. Am lucky to come home often. Love to read the notes,and news. Keep up the good work.



Interesting reading about Ketts Hill. My Uncle Sid Pointer lived in Ketts Cave or Ketts Hill Cottage. I used to visit a lot when I was living in Norwich. My aunt's name was Violet and they had three
children, John, Sylvia and Irene. My Uncle Percy Sayer had a corner grocery store up Silver Road. He had retired from a government job in Singapore and used to deliver the groceries in a Jaguar. His wife was a lovely Malaysian lady named Mary,and they had a daughter named Irene. Lots of nice memories of Norwich, but I have to admit that when I go back now, I feel like a foreigner.
Too much has changed. Still, better to have changes than remain a stagnant backwater.
If any of this is familiar stuff, e-mail me at sayercon@echoweb.net.



What do I miss most about Norwich...? Cycling up Gas Hill about 60 years ago!!! Meeting the footballers going home ON THE BUS after training instead of their Ferraris!!! Dried smoked sprats and Cromer crabs.......But NOT definitely NOT the weather.



Well, I am in front of of my computer, reading expats from Norfolk's comments, listening to Jim Reeves with a beer and I am 6000miles away in the heart of the red woods in California - and believe me, I am in Norwich. I was born 1931, I was in Norwich during ww2- what a time. But old Norwich is my home, always will be, will come home one day, I hope, have had a chat with some pals. Love too all, all Norwich, and Norfolk expats.



Father in the Royal Air Force, I was born on the North Norfolk coast in 1960, returning to Norfolk in 1975 when Dad retired. Schooling mostly at Thorpe St Andrew, I left Norwich in 1984 for a career with the Royal Hong Kong Police. Still here in Hong Kong, although now with Microsoft. Am often travelling to Mainland China - the contrasts with Norwich andNorfolk couldn't be greater! Parents live in Sprowston and sister in Spixworth. Remember with amusement the first time my wife, who is Chinese and loves Cromer crab, visited a Norfolk country pub. Midweek, it was very quiet. The barman had sized her up for quite a while before asking her in a broad Norfolk accent "You int from round here are you?" Often remember also time working with Sedgwicks, now changed I know, the local Territorials and the YMCA Judo club.



I miss Norfolk very much. Now that we're coming up the Christmas season, I miss it even more. Have lived in Melbourne, Australia, for the past 15 years, but memories of Holt, Sheringham, Wells and Norwich still as clear as the day we left... Thanks for producing a site where all suffering from acute nostalgia can visit!!!



I wonder if there is anyone out there who trained at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital as a nurse in 1959 to 1962? I am still working in health - in Sydney Australia - would love to catch up with some colleagues. I come home about every two years to visit family still residing in Norwich.



Hi, my name is Carole. I have never been to Great Yarmouth but my grandmother's family come from there. Her maiden name was Yallop. We are descended from James Yallop and Charlotte Marie Pell. I would be interested to hear from any other descendents of James and Charlotte. I am doing our genealogy. Does anyone know of George Holleyman (he was my grandmother's first cousin) and David Yallop is a relation as well. I think you have a great site. Lots of variety. Keep up the good work. cupidsstardust@yahoo.com



I really enjoy being able to visit and read about my home town Norwich. It keeps me still in touch. Although I have been away over 40 years I still miss home. I still have family there. Sincerely



My name is, or I should say was, Lesley Royal and I lived in Gorleston-on-Sea before I moved to Canada in 1970 I have just found your web page - it is so good to find that there are homesick people like me. It is not that I do not like Canada but at times such as now, when winter is just around the corner, that I miss my home. I went to St Louis School for Girls in Gt Yarmouth and if any of my old friends should read this they can contact me at nightingale_house@trondata.on.ca Thank you.



I am from Norfolk and moved to Sprowston when I was about 17 and lived in several places in Norwich and worked there too. I came to the USA to work in 1965 for an English family in their home.

I have always missed England and I am told after all these years I still have the accent. I have one married brother left in Norwich and they come here to visit and I come home, as I call it, every so often. It has changed a lot since I lived there and gotten very busy but I always love to come home. We have an American tragedy here right now and we need your prayers to move forward with our lives. I have cried bucket of tears but we must not let them take away our Freedom in the USA. God Bless America and all its people.



My husband and I left Norwich 18 years ago to live in Tucson, Arizona, and were reasonably happy there for 10 years. Sun, big houses, swimming pools, all the material things we could ever want, but we definitely missed the people and the culture. After 12 years we took our first trip back to Norwich, and I was in shock., I could not believe that we had left such a beautiful place. I saw Norfolk like I had never seen it before, breathtaking! So, on returning to Arizona, spent the next five years very homesick, until we moved to Massachussetts. I have to say that this is a great substitute for England. We have four beautiful seasons (including hot summers), we have country roads with farm stands selling fruit and flowers, beautiful beaches, and we have access to the wonderful City of Boston. I admit the people are still very different, but this certainly fills our needs for the time being. So to all you unhappy expats in the US Move to Massachussetts! If we did'nt live here, we would be back in Norwich (home).


'Ello all, I've been living in Corfu for seven years - Originally I'm from Hellesdon, Norwich. I am in Birmingham right now, well in the suburbs anyway! and I miss the accent (the Norfolk one!)


Hi, I like your site. I've just been listening to the Norfolk News but explored a little more today. I was born in Wymondham, brought up in Norwich and have lived in the USA since 1960 when my parents decided to move to California. Went to Horns Lane Infants school, Lakenham Primary, then another primary near Beverley Road. Must have been a wonderful experience, I've forgotten the name of it. Then I went Notre Dame High School until 1954. I miss Norwich, even now, but have made several trips back; hope to be there again within a year. Used to go dancing a lot at the Samson and Hercules, the Lido, and the American Club. There was also a little Jazz Club down Davey Place.Missed it all like crazy. I wish more of my friends, Gillian, Pamela and Maureen had access to e-mail,it is so much easier that snail mail.
e-mail me if you think you remember me. sayercon@echoweb.net



Thank you Talk Norfolk for your great site - also the letters you get from around the world. I read them every week to see if there are any expats around the world that came from King's Lynn or Northend next to the docks and Loke Road. My wife who is an American loves your site because she now see places that we went to when we were over this year. Thank you very much and please keep up the good work.



Just found the site, it was great reading comments from other expats. I moved to Tampa, FL USA back in 1991. I came over originally for a break/vacation after A-levels at Hewitt School in Norwich. I have lived in Great Yarmouth, King's Lynn, and finally before moving here I lived in Long Stratton and Tacolneston. I went to high school at Long Stratton 1987-90. I have not been back since 1991 due to college, marriage and now work. I am planning to back soon, I still have some great friends who I talk too occasionally, and have some family and a few family friends. It will always be home!



Hi, I'm Peter. I left Norwich in 1977 for New Zealand with my wife and three daughters. I live in the North of NZ and it is a great place to live. Whilst I would not live anywhere else now, the climate mostly, I am still very proud of being English and from Norwich. I miss the pubs, people and sense of humour of Norfolk people. I have a few e-mail friends around the world but none from the UK. I do not remember much of my school years (Norman Sec Mod) and most of my friends were female and have since married and changed their names. I would like to make contact again after all these years. I have been back several times over the years and all of my family still live in Norwich. My e-mail is pjanes@free.net.nz



Hi Norfolk, I am an expat living and working in Kuwait. I am from Great Yarmouth and what I miss most is the greenery and the Norfolk Broads, nature and just about everything. So hi to everyone but especially my sister and brother-in-law at the Ocean Rooms, Gorleston.



I have just spent a marvellous week in Norfolk with my two children who were amazed at everything they saw. My four-year-old son was particularly enchanted with the cows grazing in the fields. My neice and I took them for a traditional seaside day out at Yarmouth, Brilliant, pleasure beach, slot machines, ice cream, candyfloss, and of course fish and chips. My brother lives at Burgh Castle, an absolutely delightful village,where we enjoyed some lovely countryside walks. We also visited Sheringham. My kids were delighted with the train museum there, or more to the point the gift shop there!! We travelled around by train on Anglia Railways using one of their Rover tickets valid for three days travel within one week, at a cost of 18 pounds for me, £2 for my six-year-old daughter and my son travelled free. This enabled us to travel anywhere within the Anglia network - a very good deal. It was lovely to be back among the friendly faces of Norfolk. Everywhere I went people were helpful and kind, especially at Norwich Railway Station. The weather was also spectacular - really hot, so I must have picked a good week!!



Hallo to all expats. Like you, I find this Norfolk expats a great comfort to me. I have been in touch with Michael Wilding only to find out we knew each other - he used to come into my father's shop at Spixworth and we remember each other well. Like him. I feel it would be nice if some of us expats exchanged e-mails. Who knows some of us may have known each other way back. This only goes to show what great people the Norfolk people are so how about it lets unite via the web. My address is Isabelkeast@btinternet.com I have made the first move. let's see who will second me! I would love to hear from any expats, so come on folks don't let the side down, let's show them what good Norfolk folks we all are. How do you feel about King's Lynn being named as the most unfriendly place followed by Edinburgh. My aunt lived at Gaywood and I have many happy memories of King's Lynn also of the folks at Narborough where my cousin opened the village store and also had a van going around Marham and villages selling groceries I have done that many times and where ever I went I was made welcome.



Thank you so much for posting my photo of the river at ColtishalL on your site, which I think is one of the best on the net. I first came to Norfolk in the Autumn of 1965 as a commercial diver in the offshore fields.聽 I met and married a local girl and we get back as often as possible.聽 I love Norfolk, the friendly people, the scenery, the historic attractions.聽It is my favorite county in the whole of Britain.聽 We miss it very much and your website makes us feel as if we were there only yesterday.聽 Keep up the excellent work! 聽 聽


Click here to see William's Norfolk photo and to find out how to send in your own images.


I am an ex-pat now living in the USA. I miss the Fen country so much. My mum still lives in King's Lynn and I used to go to Gaywood Park School. You don't realize how lovely Norfolk is until you move away. To reply to Nicholas Ralph (click here to read Nicholas' e-mail), living in Los Angeles., if you think that Norfolk is "insular" and "backwards", then try Louisiana - it is both "backwards" and backwoods! As for LA, then you are welcome to it. Give me the UK over the States any time.




I have just found your expat site and....oh! it brings back so many memories - and makes me homesick! I was born in King's Lynn (the Sheldrick family) within smelling distance of the Ouse. I attended King's Lynn High School for Girls before leaving to live in Great.Yarmouth. We had many a happy summer in a caravan on the North Denes. What a pity that I have lost touch with everyone I knew at that time (Queenie Beckett,Colleen McCulloch, John Howes,Peter Grant, Derek Bousefield, Maureen Salmon to name but a few.) What fun we had. I am now living with my daughter and her family in Australia. Very nice...but!! I shall always be a Norfolk dumpling at heart. If I am fortunate enough to hear the accent it brings tears to my eyes! If anyone would like to get in touch - either expat or local - my email address is bavis@ozemail.com.au



Hi Norfolk Expats all over the world. If you have been reading the letters on Talk Norfolk you would have seen my letter saying that I was taking my American wife Jackie to England for the first time and to my home town of King's Lynn. She loved it as we walked around the town and the churches we then went to Brancaster/ Old Hunstanton walked a long the beaches, then to Sandringham to see the Queen's house. Also off to Ely to see the Cathedral and then to Cambridge for the day. The next day we went to Castle Rising. Someone asked me how much it cost, well $750 from the USA to Gatwick. So if I can do it so can you! Go and see the old places you still talk about to your family and friends and see if it's the same as you remember it just one time like I did .


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