Election analysis

Guides and Background
Candidate Profiles
Levittown: Politics and the Suburbs
Levittown at 60
An election-year look at one of the original suburbs
Vintage Levittown in photographs
Pay battle rages within US middle class
The Truman Show: Levittown at school
The United States of suburbs
Comment and Analysis
What now?
The top five challenges in the president's in-tray
Foreign policy challenges
Complex issues President Obama cannot avoid
US voters endorse status quo
What the next four years might bring
Obama's legacy
Will history mark Obama as a great president?
Change or die
Where did it go wrong for the Republicans?
Farewell, Mitt
10 ways you know the election is over
Then and now
One Obama voter on what changed in four years
Nerds 1 Pundits 0
Polling analysts have last laugh after Obama win
Before fame
The parallel lives of Obama and Romney, in pictures
The groups that propelled Obama to a second term win
10 election oddities
Why does Obama not like sunglasses?
Celebrity president
Who would you put in the White House?
Middle East challenges
Military action will go back on President Obama's agenda
New era
Election that made history for women in US politics
Stephanie Flanders on the US "fiscal cliff"
Republicans - what next?
The Party has four years to regroup and learn
A bridge to Canada
10 other things Americans are voting on
$20 a vote
A three-minute explainer on a $2.5bn election
From our archive...
Five fascinating snapshots of past US elections
Tweet success
Obama posts record-breaking victory tweet
Does it matter to UK?
Robert Peston on what Obama's win means for UK business
Extra mile
How much stamina does it take to win the US presidency?
Major minority
How the Latino vote could decide US election