
Wales issues guide: Environment

The Welsh Assembly has powers over environmental policies.

It includes responsibility for things such as flood defences, housing and planning. Here are the priorities of Labour, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru in the election.

Election issues 2011




Liberal Democrats

Plaid Cymru

  • Designate Blue Belt land to prevent development close to rivers, lakes and coastlines to stop irresponsible development and protect the environment.
  • Promote a diverse range of renewables - all Wales' energy should come from renewable sources by 2025.
  • Increase penalties for environmental crime - with particular focus on those who litter and allow their dogs to foul in public areas.
  • Insulate all homes in Wales - starting with older buildings that are harder to keep warm.
  • Vision for a sustainable Wales becoming a "one planet" nation.
  • Move towards a Wales that lives within its environmental limits, using only its fair share of Earth's resources.
  • Support action against climate change including mitigation measures to deliver sustainable communities across Wales.
  • Continue investing in improving air and water quality.
  • Create new Marine Conservation Zones.
  • Integrate the Environment Agency Wales, Forestry Commission and Countryside Council for Wales as one organisation.
  • Continue to support Wales as a Fair Trade nation.
  • Radically overhaul the energy efficiency of an extra 12,000 homes by doubling the money available for tackling fuel poverty.
  • Provide support and advice for community energy schemes by setting up a Community Energy Wales organization, to be owned by the community energy sector.
  • Scrap the airlink between North and South Wales and prioritise green transport, including rail and bus travel.
  • Reduce carbon emissions by 40% in devolved areas by 2020.
  • Introduce carbon budgeting across Welsh government and encourage its introduction across the public sector.
  • Expand Low Carbon Zones to help people to save energy, cut fuel bills, and protect and create jobs.
  • Press for the devolution of natural resources, in areas such as water and energy generation.
  • Invest across Wales in the retrofitting and insulation of homes and encourage more renewable energy generation, including micro generation projects.
  • Overhaul of planning policy to presume in favour of micro, small-scale and community owned renewable energy projects.

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