'Overwhelming' Eskdale valley turbine appeal planned

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An appeal is to be lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as "overly prominent and overwhelming" by planning officials.

Dumfries and Galloway Council rejected the 12-turbine Hopsrig project near Langholm.

Buccleuch Energy director Alan Wilson said that decision was "disappointing" and the company hoped to address concerns in the appeal process.

The appeal will be lodged in the coming months.

Buccleuch has teamed up with wind farm developer Muirhall Energy to take the scheme forward.

Mr Wilson said: "Muirhall Energy has detailed knowledge of the surrounding area having already gained consent for their neighbouring Crossdykes and Loganhead projects.

"We believe an improved scheme at Hopsrig can be delivered that benefits from synergies with these consented developments."

Alastair Yule, senior development manager at Muirhall, said communities played a key role in their projects.

"We are very proud of the relationships we have developed locally and would look to continue to build upon them," he said.