³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Television Publicity

Contact details for ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ press announcements

Please note

These contact details are only for journalists wishing to contact the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ with enquiries. For all other queries please see the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Contact page.

MO - Michelle Osborn - michelle.osborn@bbc.co.uk



AM2 - Anna Mears - anna.mears02@bbc.co.uk

CB - Clare Bolt - clare.bolt@bbc.co.uk

Entertainment and Channels

CM2 - Chris McCluskey (Entertainment & Channels) - chris.mccluskey@bbc.co.uk

³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three

JA3 - Jasmine Aloma - jasmine.aloma@bbc.co.uk

JS - Jo Sear - jo.sear@bbc.co.uk

Children's and Education

HM4 - Hazel Moss - hazel.moss@bbc.co.uk

HH2 - Helen Holt - helen.holt@bbc.co.uk

EG - Emma Gage - emma.gage@bbc.co.uk

Comedy and Entertainment

LH2 - Lucy Hynes (Scripted - Comedy and Drama) - lucy.hynes@bbc.co.uk

HM2 - Harriet Murdoch - harriet.murdoch@bbc.co.uk

LW - Lucy Waller – lucy.waller01@bbc.co.uk

MJ - Mary Jones - mary.jones@bbc.co.uk

EL - Eloise Longden - eloise.longden@bbc.co.uk

GC2 - Gabby Crawford – gabby.crawford@bbc.co.uk

SVDG - Sofie van de Grampel - sofie.vandegrampel@bbc.co.uk

OH - Olivia Hodgson - olivia.hodgson@bbc.co.uk

Daytime and Factual Entertainment

HD3 - Hollie Druce - hollie.druce@bbc.co.uk


IW - Ian Walker - ian.walker@bbc.co.uk

RB - Richard Bell - richard.bell@bbc.co.uk


LH2 - Lucy Hynes (Scripted - Comedy and Drama) - lucy.hynes@bbc.co.uk

GK - Gareth King - gareth.king@bbc.co.uk

EJ – Ellena Jackson – ellena.jackson@bbc.co.uk

HC2 - Holly Cowan - holly.cowan@bbc.co.uk

MF3 - Megan Flint - megan.flint@bbc.co.uk

SH2 - Sean Harwood Reid - sean.harwoodreid@bbc.co.uk

NH - Niall Hay - niall.hay@bbc.co.uk


JA2 - Joanna Allen - joanna.allen@bbc.co.uk

CT3 - Courtney Thomas - courtney.thomas@bbc.co.uk

NH - Niall Hay - niall.hay@bbc.co.uk

KW - Kate White - kate.white@bbc.co.uk

Doctor Who

JA2 - Joanna Allen - joanna.allen@bbc.co.uk

JC - Joe Coupe - joe.coupe@bbc.co.uk

NH - Niall Hay - niall.hay@bbc.co.uk



EDA - Emma D’Almeida - emma.dalmeida@bbc.co.uk

TD - Tara Davies – tara.davies@bbc.co.uk

FS - Francesca Sostero - francesca.sostero@bbc.co.uk

CT2 - Charlotte Turner - charlotte.turner@bbc.co.uk

MF2 - Michaela Fielding - michaela.fielding@bbc.co.uk

AJ2 - Angharad Jenkins - angharad.jenkins@bbc.co.uk

IC - Isabel Coonjah - isabel.coonjah@bbc.co.uk


HM4 - Hazel Moss - hazel.moss@bbc.co.uk

RM4 - Rebecca McAree - rebecca.mcaree@bbc.co.uk

CF - Chantelle Frampton - chantelle.frampton@bbc.co.uk

Picture Requests

Picture Requests - pictures@bbc.co.uk

Previews and Promos

TV Previews - previews.unit@bbc.co.uk

Promo Clips - promo.clips@bbc.co.uk



Other useful contacts

³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Press Office (for corporate enquiries and evening & weekend press calls) - 0207 765 5900

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