
News Publicity

Domestic News and World Service Group Publicity

Please note

These contact details are only for journalists wishing to contact the 成人快手 with enquiries. For all other queries please see the 成人快手 Contact page.

CM7 - Charlotte Morgan, Senior Head of Communications, News - charlotte.morgan01@bbc.co.uk

News and Current Affairs

MT - Melanie Tompkins, Communications Manager, Domestic News - melanie.tompkins@bbc.co.uk

AR2 - Anouska Russell - anouska.russell@bbc.co.uk

IA - Ieva Asnina - ieva.asnina@bbc.co.uk

CC2 - Corrine Corrodus - corrine.corrodus@bbc.co.uk 

World Service Group

RM3 - Robin Miller, Head of Communications, World Service Group - robin.miller@bbc.co.uk

CC2 - Corrine Corrodus - corrine.corrodus@bbc.co.uk

EO2 - Ekene Oboko - ekene.oboko@bbc.co.uk

EO3 - Esther Oluga - esther.oluga@bbc.co.uk

ES - Esther Soliman - esther.soliman@bbc.co.uk

LN2 - Lala Najafova - 07912 583 836 - lala.najafova@bbc.co.uk

RD - Rebecca Davies - rebecca.davies02@bbc.co.uk

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