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Lucy, Audenshaw
I think the comments from the people who are against the firefighters
jobs are totally ignorant. Firefighters do an extremely hard working
job and are risking their lives when they are called out. Why should
they not be paid in line with the police?
Isabel, Manchester
I totally support the firemen & women. They do not do an ordinary
job - every day they risk their lives - I couldn't do that - could
you? also they are unlikely to be able to retire as late as you &
I can - it's a hazardous job. We pay footballers exorbitant amounts
of money for their short-term careers - surely the firemen are entitled
to extra to compensate for the danger and loss of earnings due to
early retirement? And the government could have sorted this out long
ago - THEY have forced the firemen into this position. And they want
to cut the numbers of life-saving firemen that we have - less people
to do more work for no more money. We NEED these people! Cuts are
already killing people in hospitals - do you want the fire brigade
to go the same way?! For too long we have been paying 'carers' (nurses,
doctors, firemen, etc.) too little for the amazing job they do - it's
time to get real.
Mr Paul Ousby, Stockport
what is a £1 or 2 a week from our wages or added to our council tax
bill compared to the value that the fire service provides. As for
the Army saying they are copping with the crises that is only because
we the public are being extra carefull.
I think that the firemen are very greedy, WHY! Should they get £30K?
I’m a student in Manchester studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
I would be lucky to get a job that pays 20k in my first year. So why
should I go to university and get into debt of thousands of pounds,
and earn no ware near that amount for quite a number of years. I may
as well quit and be a fireman. It is an insult, they already get £21K,
and this is an above average wage. They army don't get that, they
should get the most as they defend this country and in most danger!!
I think that the PM should step in and force them back to work and
if they do not go back he should fire them, or he could privatise
the whole fire service, which will send the unions running with fear.
If they were to give in to the ransom, they should reform it, by getting
rid of the unwanted FAT CATS in the fire service who are on a very
Kathy in Manchester It seems that the argument against giving the firefighters a pay
rise is that 'all the other public sector workers will want one too'
; yes, of course they will, as many are paid well below what their
skill and commitment deserves. For too long we have relied on the
notion of public sector occupations being a 'vocation' rather than
a way of earning a decent living whilst doing something worthwhile
for society. Its time we respected and rewarded people who 'go the
extra mile' and gave them all a decent living wage.
P. Dorf, Manchester
What a bunch of money-grabbers! Sorry, but if you *really* enjoy doing
a job - and by that, I mean, LOVE the job regardless - then money
shouldn't be an issue and if the people in the fire service have families
- then they could be accused of having too high expectations and their
families should learn to lower those expectations. Money shouldn't
really be an issue in a well loved job - these people must not respect
their job for striking like they are. I just wish that the striking
firemen would just see how they're only doing themsleves no good.
Give them 12% and tell them to get on with the job they're supposed
to love.
Ryan, Rochdale
How can you posobley support the fire fighters strike when thay say
your house can burn down so long as you are not in all your life long
memories can burn in some cases that is decades of history which can
never be replaced. We may be going to war in the Gulf again but your
loved ones are to busy covering the fire strick in stead of training
for war should it occure. The solders who have just retund from a
six mounth tour of Bosnia wanting to see there family cant as thay
started training for fire cover. I for one would be more than happy
to cross the line and bring out the vehicles for the armed forces
to use just give me the word Mr Blair. One final point we have many
resevist in this country why not call on them to cover the strike
so the armed forces can carry on with the training for war if requierd.
John Somerville, Sale, Cheshire
If the wages are so bad why are there 40 applicants for every job
that becomes available? A 5% increase is more than adequate unless
they revise their out dated working practices.
Hope Farrington No we do not support` the firemen on strike because they are not
thinking of other people who risk thier lives like my dad who works
on a lifeboat and my friends mum who is a night nurse co-ordinator.
Dud The Government can find money for war and for illegal imigrants
also for their own pay rises. What did John Prescott give himself,
Erm... 42%, these men and women deserve more, they do alot more for
the public than most MPs.
Elaine Coleman, Darlington, Co Durham
No I don't support them. My husband is a paramedic and brings home
a basic wage of £300 a week. He has saved countless lives in his career
and never received any media or public recognition. If the firefighters
save one life it is front page and television headline news at the
moment yet he, and his colleagues nationwide,are continuing to save
many, many lives every day. As for putting their 'lives at risk' everyday
(which is debatable) - this is the career they chose to do. They knew
the risks, and unlike many of the miners in the '70s and '80s whose
only choice was to work in the mines, I doubt there is a single firefighter
who has been 'pressganged' into the service. I think the admirable
way the armed forces have been dealing with emergency calls during
this strike has simply proved that the country will not grind to a
halt. I wonder, however, if an ambulance personnel strike would yield
a very different result, and perhaps show that they are! m! ore worthy
of 'special' consideration.
Dave Vernon, Wilmslow I think this goverment should get there prioreties right,if 40%
is good enough for them why not the Fire Fighters.
Dean, Lymm, Cheshire
The government must not concede to the FBU's pay claim. The claim
is ludicrous and out of all context. The Government should introduce
legislation which forbids public service employees [ Firemen, Nurses,
Doctors, Police, et al ] from striking. I think Tony Blair needs to
review the UK attitude towards Trade Unions. Unions are an outmoded
concept, with members pursuing extortionate claims until they bankrupt
the compnay. Union members perceive they can 'manage' the company
they work for better than existing, professional management so, why
have they not achieved a career in management ? Reason: they are not
capable. Rampant, militant unionism will again ruin our country unless
its powers are severly curbed. The sonner Tony Balir & Co get rid
of this 20th century malady, the better for England.
Pauline, Manchester
Firefighters went into the World Trade Centre and hundreds were killed
when the towers collapsed. The threat of terrorist attacks is here
too - how would YOU feel if you or your son/husband/partner could
be involved in something like the WTC? They deserve every penny they
can get from this miserly government - who think nothing of voting
themslves 40% pay rises -on top of the inflated salaries they already
get. I support the firefighters 100%.
Beenish Baig in Manchester
Bryn in Mancheseter
It is unfortunate the firefighters are striking but if this is the
only way they can get thier frustrations heard by the Government.
Why doesnt the government increase the tax to 80% for those people
who earn over say £40k. That should pay for decent wages for the keyworkers
(amongst them the firefighters) of this country and the reinstatement
of the welfare state.... The firefighters wages have been linked to
manual labour in the past. I feel this is an outdated policy. Why
not increase thier thier basic pay with inflation and say triple pay
when dealing with dangerous incidents.
Tom, Manchester FireMEN (as they predominantly are) work for 2 days and then 2
nights. Most fires occur during the day and yet a firman spends only
10% of his time at work on a 'shout'. Combined with four days off
work and ample opportunity to decorate/drive taxis/etc, a fireman
actually spends very little of his working time risking his life.
Unless and until these antiquated working practices are removed, it
is fundamentaly unjustifiable to increase their pay. Indeed, their
current working habits point to a reintroduction of volunteer firemen
or a complete return to fire services being provided by insurance
Stuart, Liverpool
Billions of pounds of our taxes for War - No questions asked, but
no money for firefighters and other essential workers we're told decent
pay rises will destroy the economy, we live in a very sick world!
Will, Manchester I think there are better ways of protesting than putting lives
at risk. However, I feel that all workers should have the right to
strike in the end to back up their pay claims. Negotiations must continue,
and I think that a reasonable pay rise accomponied by reasonable changes
in working practices should be the way forward for the fire dispute.
From Alan, Atherton I see the firefighters complain of goverment interference would
they object to interference with money I doubt it.How can local
government officers make an offer without a care as to where the
money will come from I supose as normal they will expect taxpayer
to fund their grand schemrs for inflation busting increase in council
tax or again from central goverment funds ie the taxpayer. fund
it from reducing the silly money paid to top council officers or
other cuts or do not pay the increase . They should cut their cloth
to suit their means taxpayers are not a bottomless pit to fund their
grand schemes and polital dogma.
From Gareth, Stockport
I definatly do not support the claims of the FBU or any trade union,
these organisations seem not to have any regard for anyone other
than themselves. Mrs Thatcher should have finished her 'reform'
of the unions by completely banning them from operating within the
UK. With the current human rights laws of this country the trade
unions are no longer required and therefore only cause unecessary
trouble. The firefighters do an excellent job when they are working
but most of the time they spend sat around in the fire station doing
nothing, if this is equated into their pay then they are getting
a very tidy sum for the work they do. If they refuse to accept an
offer soon then the government should think about reorganising the
defence budget to cover a military fire service full time, the firefighter's
will soon stop striking when their jobs are on the line!
From Darryl, Manchester They are wrong to go on strike. They need to get real. 40% was
always ridiculous and to expect 16% is not much better.Who is going
to pay for that sort of money. The rate and tax payer again. If
the Govt. (who I do not support) gives in then everyone else will
want the same. Unfortunately this Govt. doen't help when it gives
itself 40% and longer holidays as well.
From Doug, Manchester Why should fat cat CEOs make over £100k a year for sitting behind
a desk + giving orders when firefighters are risking their lives?
A firefighter dragged me out of my burning house when i was a lad.
Is my life worth higher taxes and a higher wage for the firemen?
You are bloody right it is; you cant put a price on a life.
From Paul, Frodsham
I don't support the firefighters at all, they are being completely
unrealistic. I'm not disputing they do a good job, but if you compare
their role to other jobs you can do without having a degree etc,
then their current wage is about right.
Dave, Manchester
This dispute is about more than pay. There are changes planned that
would reduce the fire cover at night across most fire stations in
the UK. It is true that fewer fires do happen at night but the vast
majority of fire fatalities occur then.
Paul, Manchester
For all those bleeding hearts who moan about the level of pay, how
far they have to travel to work and how dangerous the job is, I can
only say WHY DONT YOU LEAVE AND GET ANOTHER JOB !! like everone else
does. If you all think MP's are paid well, then why dont you actually
go and become one. Firefighters appear to be motivated by GREED and
Jonso Mbada, Manchester
I think Fire Fighters deserve better, If politicians can give themselves
40% pay rises why not 20% for fire Fighters. We are loosing a lot
of professionals to neighbouring countries due to poor pay, nurses
are going to USA. The money Tony has set aside for Iraq should be
channelled to our brave heroes who risk their lives than going to
war which is unwinnable.
Paul, Manchester
The firefighters are irresponsible by going on strike, which will
achieve nothing and lose them pay!! The public does not support them
and they are misguided if they think we do. They should get back to
work and continue to talk. I hope they can look the families of those
who lose their lives as a result of thier actions in the eyes. They
should be ashamed.
andy brown, manchester
I think they are being far to greedy. We live in a democratic society
and you cannot hold the government to ransom - this country has never
had it so good so don't blame things on Mr Blair.
Karl Elliston, Alderley Edge, Cheshire
It is disgusting that fire fighters are prepared to put people’s lives
at risk just for the sake of a pay rise. Whilst nobody can doubt that
what they do for the community is commendable, they knew the level
of pay when they entered the service! If the employers and government
give in to this excessive demand, then the bullying tactics employed
by the FBU will have won - the real question is at what price? Are
the lives of innocent people worth this action?
Ian, Manchester
I think the police do dangerous and they are not allowed to strike.
They also get poor pay. If there is 1 firefighters job per 72 applicants
then the existing deal can't be that bad becuase nobody would want
to do it. Firefighters know what they are getting themselves into
before they join. They knew the pay was 'not very good'. I think that
they may deserve a small rise but 40% is stupid. If the firefighters
deserve a 40% rise then so do the nurses/doctors/police you can go
on for ever. Also if they did get a 40% does that mean they will stop
Matt in Hednesford, Staffs, England
I do agree with the reason why the firefighters are striking. Yet
I don't agree with the action being taken. These firefighters are
risking their lives for £8.10 a hour.
Alan, Warrington
I DONT support the firemen. The firemen say they have to train for
14 weeks to use thier equipment. I work in engineering, I had to attend
college for 1 day and 1 night per week for 4 YEARS, as PART of my
apprenticeship training. My wage is the glorious sum of £15,700 PA
oh joy !! and thats not a back street company I work for, its a leading
government dept. You can`t tell me that if a burning building is in
danger of collapse that the firemen are sent in...no way. So theres
no way they are in danger stood there squirting a hose or holding
a hydraulic slicer to cut the top off a car. GET REAL. Police on the
other hand get assaulted dealing with the scum of society and need
to wear a stab vest and be armed with pepper spray and a kosh.
John Smythe in UK If anyone would care to work out what 4% & 7% over two years equates
to they will find it is actually 5.5% APR. and NOT 11%
Glennis Mitchell in Manchester I totally support the fire fighters, as they do one of the most
dangerous jobs. They deserve to get what they ask for especially when
you think that a lot of people in jobs with no risk to there lives
get more than they do. As far as I am concerned it is the government
who are putting peoples lives at risk by not giving them what they
claire in Manchester
i do think that firefighters do deserve a pay increase but 40% is
extortionate! nurses and doctors save lives and dont expect that increase
and the strikes themselves are just putting lives at risk un-necessarily.
the longer this goes on, the more lives lost.
john dooley in Warrington
I think the firemen deserve 40% but maybe not at all one go
Alan Gent in Cheadle
Yes I think they should Blair is displaying teh worst aspects of Thatcherism
in his rush to appear tough. Money is available for them - should
"we" go to war on behalf of Bush, that will be costly, yet Blair has
no mandate for that. Its a pity that fairness seems to form no part
of political retoric or thinking
Janet Hurst in Tameside
When the firefighters finally settle for what, I think, will turn
out to be a fair but nevertheless substantial increase, what will
be the chances I wonder of those who have "other jobs" on the side
(taxi-driving and the like) packing it in? We'll soon see who is true
to their vocation and who is greedy - if they want something else
to do on their many days off let them do voluntary work. It seems
to me if they're up to doing more than one full-time job then fire-fighting
can't be nearly as much hardwork as everyone makes out, after all
do you ever hear of the Police, Ambulance Service workers or teachers
John in Derbyshire My mother earns £14k from her government job, and she has many
responsibilities that are just as necessary to keep the country working
as firefighters do. Furthermore, she requires more of an education
for this job than firefighters require and yet they want £30k? Although
i appreciate they do a good service, when my mother can support comfortably
herself and two sons on £14k, what firefighters want appears ludicrous.
Furthermore, any strike action, such as that we have seen from the
train drivers and firefighters is NOT DEMOCRATIC. It is childish and
bullying. It disrupts/threatens other peoples lives and does not acheive
anything without later resentment. Perhaps politicians should be paid
less - but are they campaigning for that? No.
Stephen Hall in Stockport
If £30,000 means they are being paid £8.50 an hour, then they are
working a lot of hours! Whilst i agree that they deserve to be paid
well when on a shout, i do not believe that when doing none hazardous
duties, they should be paid as well. Would the fire brigade union
be willing to separate on a pro rata basis fire fighters pay between
hazardous and non hazardous duties? Why should a fire fighter be paid
a large sum of money for sleeping, cleaning, eating, watching TV whilst
waiting to be called out? Therefore, i cannot support this outragous
pay demand. There are many more deserving people in the public sector,
including the soldiers, who not only fight fires but also fight for
their country where their lives are much more at risk.
RIGGS in MANCHESTER It's never right to risk your life for such low amounts. A life
is worth more than a DIAMOND and GOLD put together. The stuck-up government
should realise what they are saying. Let's put Tony Blair and any
other person in the government who is against the pay raise and let
them burn in a house with no help and they will see what really is
worth in their lives. Prescott and his 6 HOUSES and 2 JAGS now that
is BLOODY greedy no matter who you are. The politians ARE HYPOCRITES
for their pay and for not giving to people who bloody damn well RISK
their lives for others. Some people say 40% is too high well give
em the nearest they can recieve. And if you have forgotten we paid
for those 6 houses and many other things. It looks like the government
would rather PAY FOR A WAR than GIVE to GOOD people now what does
that TELL YOU.
Andrea Guy, London
Most definitely, I am 100% behind them they deserve a fair wage 40%
of their current salary is nothing people need to look beyond the
percentage and review at the actual figures i'm sure they would then
agree they are worth every penny they are asking for. I hope they
get what they deserve.
Jonathan Garrett, Bristol
Also in answer to may of the comments above WHAT PERKS??!! Go on name
them!! I dont call living 40 miles outside Oxford and working in central
london a perk for 20k max! The politicians are the ones in the public
sector with the perks not the workers. Think of Mr Blairs 40% pay
rise and Prescott with his 2 jags and 6 homes in London!!! By the
way we pay for those as well if some people had forgotten!!
Ken Wharton, Leeds
The firefighters are worth every penny of 30K and I would suggest
even more, being burnt to death or trapped with no hope is an horrific
prospect, the cowards who would deny these brave souls are usualy
the first one's who scream and moan when they are in dire need of
rescue, politicians are,and always have been the biggest cowards around
with their lies and deciept, give the firefighters their deserved
increase, just like the councils and politicians who voted themselves
a nice big fat greedy payrise, HYPOCRITES.
Dennis, Harlow
I think that the firemen should get a little more for they do a useful
job. When many people have an income of less than £6000 it is the
poor who should be our priority. However we should stop the huge increases
the rich receive MPs, directors, surgeons for these fuel the demands
of others.
Imran Nazir, Manchester
I agree 100% with the firefighters after speaking to one of them in
Manchester. When I said "Surely, you are placing the public's safety
at risk by striking", the reply was "Mr. Prescott has had six months
to sort this out". Six months is a long time and this Govt. has been
more interested in sorting out the finances for a war in Iraq than
to pay the firefighters what they are due. They should strike again
and for longer.
Leah James, Manchester
I think yes the firefighters should have a raise but not 40% there
never going to get that. I think they should ask for a 20% raise then
they've met 1/2 way. they are putting lives at risk they have to sort
something out soon rather than later.
Baber zaka, london
I think it is shocking that firefighters would risk lives to help
there bank accounts; yes they may need a rise, but to go on to such
extremes as they are doing is inexcusable.
Jonathan Garrett in Bristol
I'm with the fire-fighters it not just the equipment but the physical
and metal training that makes them earn their pay. I was pulled out
of a serious car accident a few years ago and I owe my life to them.
Sean Anstee in Partington, Manchester
How can firefighters ask for a 40% pay rise? This would bankrupt the
Government and leave the public sector in chaos with pay rise claims
left right and centre. Police Officers have a much more dangerous
job but cannot strike by law. 40% - you must be joking.
Emma in Manchester
Firefighters aren't the only ones who risk their lives, many others
do to, and to single them out does a dis-service to others. I don't
disagree they they are under paid but 40% is totally unjustified in
line with other public services. There is absolutely no problem with
recruitment and retention in the fire service, many people would love
to do their job whatever the pay. They firefighters should be pre-pared
to compromise. 11% and a change in practices seems more than fair
for now.
mr g.c.trelfa in manchester
the firefighters are right to strike, its the last resort. £30,000
is a fair amount to pay someone thats putting their lives on the line
to save others. the lower ranks deserve the pay rise, anyone on over
£30,000, should be given a reduced rate eg lowest rank 40%, highest
rank 4%, all ranks in between get a stepped payrise according to their
rank. not all firefighters risk their lives, only the ones that go
out on shouts. i dont see any officers on the picket line.
michael papadopoulos in london
yes they should strike I would not even do there job for 50000 pa
BUT 48 hour's is a bit much why not 24 hours? it is still posible
to make your point in a 24 hour strike
Bill Steele
all fire service vehicles and equipment belong to the british taxpayer,
and should be sequestrated by the taxpayers armed forces to protect
the taxpayers
Clare (senior staff nurse) Bury
I believe the firemen do have a right to go on strike. As i nurse
i feel public service workers have been underpaid for far too long.
OK 40% may be asking alot but it wil take this for everyone to sit
up and take notice. As a matter of point i was told that an average
bin man earns more than me!! Yes they have striked in the past too.
what is it coming to when people at the front line earn less than
those stuffed shirts in suits. Get out of your offices into the real
world is what i say .
andrew allerton in Stockport
I am puzzled why during this dispute the fire fighters are still allowed
by their employer to use the facilities at the fire stations. During
normal industrial disputes the employer does not allow striking workers
to enter their normal workplace to prevent acts of vandalism etc.
But at my local station the striking fire fighters are dressed in
their fire service uniforms, the rest room lights are on and they
appear to be using the facilities to cook food and prepare drinks.
Although the fire fighters do a good and risky job of work I do not
however, agree they deserve a 40% increase in pay. During the build
up to this strike, little has been said about the governments decision
to award themselves a 40% increase not so long ago.
marie adams in shirley, solihull, west midlands
A definate yes. I support the fire service 100%. Firefighters risk
their lives every day we should be thankfull and give them the wage
that they deserve. Tony Blair and the government ministers have had
a 40% payrise and extra long holidays so why should firefighters work
for a lot less when their job is a lot more stressfull and dangerous.
Phil Eccles in Manchester
I can't help but have a low opinion of the mercenary tactics employed
by the union representing the firefighters. 40% is an outrageous figure
that would cripple government budgets. Where next after firefighters,
40% rises for nurses and paramedics, for their lives are put in danger
and they work they do invaluable. It seems that money and greed is
a large issue as opposed to being under valued for the job they do.
£30,000 in Burnley, that's middle management level! It doesn't make
sense and I find it infuriating.
greene in london
Its outrageous that they are striking for 40 per cent. What planet
are they from? In the real world, even a 10 per cent rise requires
some demonstration of improved productivity. I am shocked at the way
firefighters seem able to decorate their vehicles, stations etc with
union propaganda. Don't their managers have any say in this? I'd like
to see it happen in the private sector...not.
J Morris, Kent
I believe firemen should get more money, but NO one should expect
to get 40% NO matter who they are. I think the Firemen are wrong to
go on Strike The firemen will get a pay rise, then who will be next.
It is the Tax payer who will foot the bill for all this.
Will in Cumbria
They are mainly school leavers with no other qualifications so picked
fire fighting as an escape from the dole line, salary must have been
discussed when they applied for the job, so be happy with it, or leave,
they should be on strike without pay, and fined for each day not on
duty, buildings are much safer now so they arnt really at risk, they
are cowards hiding behind a big mouth union, whos the increase for?
who really wanted it in the first place, them or the union, guarenteed
the union fees will go up if they win, then the bin men can go on
strike too, heres an idea, lets all go on strike as far as paying
rates and taxes so none of them get paid
Iain in Susssex
MPs and ministers are to receive a 2.5% annual pay rise in April -
almost double the current headline inflation rate of 1.3%, it emerged
on Thursday. In addition to the inflation-busting rise, they will
receive the second half
of a £4,000 salary increase which the politicians voted themselves
last year, boosting their total pay packet to £55,118. Don’t forget
this was only in February this year….and what do MPs do that they
deserve 55,000+. I totally support the Firefighters and think that
they deserve the pay rise they are asking for the extremely dangerous
job they do.
Margaret in Greater Manchester
This Fire Service strike appears to be more to do with Union Power
than money for Fire Fighters. I feel that Fire Fighters are being
pressured into striking against their judgement. 11% is a reasonable
offer. I only hope that their Unions do not sell out like Unison did
for Public Service workers after they lost money buy striking - after
turning down the 3% offered by Management in July they accepted 1.5%
paid in October with a further 3.5% next year -does that seem sensible?
Miss C A Birchall in Wigan
I feel we should be valuing the professionals who risk their lives
for us on a daily basis with salaries that reflect their commitment
and dedication. 11% is an insult.
Anthony Edwards in Runcorn
If all the firefighters were sacked tonight they could all be replaced
very quickly as there is a queue of people who would love the job
at the current pay.
Jim in Manchester
I admit Firemen play an important role but I've also got friends in
the fire service and they really quite a nice life. The fire service
have no trouble at all retaining staff and have no issues recruiting,
surely it can't be that bad. No one is conscripted afterall. Stop
whinging and if you don't like, get another job because they are plenty
of people who would jump at the chance of being a fireman. Firemen
also get great perks. They work 4 days on and 4 day off so basically
don't work half the year aswell as getting very good annual leave
entitlements on top. They also retire a lot earlier than most as they
get a good pension. Being an ex squadie, if anyone deserves as pay
rise it's the Armed Forces who spend a great deal of time out of the
country and usually under dangerous circumstances
M MCHALE in Oldham
Marshall Muir in Manchester
for those that do not support this strike i just hope its not them
that need these men and women in a tragedy they will earn there pay
rise many times over god bless them and keep them safe, they are life
savers and perhaps one day YOURS!!
Craig Scott in Manchester
I think that the firefighters do deserve more money, don't we all???
I also think that they are going the wrong way in trying to achieve
their 40% pay rise. If they succeed they are just opening the floodgates
for more local authority staff to demand the same. I think that they
are holding the country to ransom and it would be a catastrophe if
some innocent person should suffer or die as a consequence of these
actions. As for the army stepping in they should be trained and permitted
to use the regular firefighting equipment. The service should remain
the same as what we pay for through our Council Tax.
Marshall Muir, Manchester
For those that do not support this strike i just hope its not them
that need these men and women in a tragedy they will earn there pay
rise many times over god bless them and keep them safe, they are life
savers and perhaps one day YOURS!!
Craig Scott, Manchester
I think that the firefighters do deserve more money, don't we all???
I also think that they are going the wrong way in trying to achieve
their 40% pay rise. If they succeed they are just opening the floodgates
for more local authority staff to demand the same. I think that they
are holding the country to ransom and it would be a catastrophe if
some innocent person should suffer or die as a consequence of these
actions. As for the army stepping in they should be trained and permitted
to use the regular firefighting equipment. The service should remain
the same as what we pay for through our Council Tax.
John Neary in Dukinfield
Firefighters may be undervalued but they provide a public service
and putting the lives of people at risk by irresponsible strike action
is hardly likely to gain public support or achieve their aims. Once
you go on strike you have lost your argument and put yourself in a
weak negotiating position. No strike has ever achieved anything positive.
Sarah in Wirral Regardless of whether or not I believe they should receive a large
pay increase I do believe it wrong for them to put the lives and property
of the general public at stake. These are supposed to be people who
do a job because they care for the welfare of others, but then go
on strike and put everyones lives at risk.
Shirley Serter in Manchester
I think firefighters are being greedy. We don't hear much about the
perks of job and many who would have to fund increase earn below 20k
without security. In these dangerous times, gov should either remove
right to strike or maintain modern fire engines and train armed forces/police
to step in when necessary. Ordinary people must be protected.
Jean Grundy in Manchester They deserve a rise. But all that NO. Will they support the pansioners
to get a rise similar to theirs I doubt it.
Paul Roberts in Stockport
Choosing a career in the fire service is very brave and very honorable.
BUT, when you apply for a job you know what the salary is and what
increases you will get. You can't just go about striking because you
want more money. It doesn't work like that. Given the current terrorist
threats, the Strike is an Outrage!! The firemen should be fined for
their disgusting tactics and lack of responsibility. Holding your
own country to ransom is not the way to get a salary increase!!
G Mosley in Cheadle Hulme
the R.N.L.I. do an equally dangerous job and they do it for nothing.
this claim is outrageous
phil benson in wigan
At the end of the day firefighters are paid a rubbish wage when compared
with the police and work more hours.A fireman has recently died on
duty in a fire trying to save life how many other people would or
could put their lives at risk in this way for £21000.
D Moore in Wigan
No they should be happy with the offer. Get in the real world and
dont join other public sector workers in trying to cream off the extra
government money to improve services for their own greed.
Michael Henshaw in Oldham
No i dont agree with the firemen, it is far to much to ask for a 40%
rise. At the moment the govenment are waiting to see what Saddams
going to do the outcome could be WAR so do you think it would be right
if the Royal Navy Army and Air force turned round and said were not
going we want a 40% rise there would be uprore i think the 11% they
have been offered is a good deal and they should take it.
Bill Hodgson in Wigan
Absolutely yes I support them. I have a fire fighter lives across
the road and many friends in the police service. Its incredible they
only earn £21,500 for working a 24hrs shift rota. Its insulting peanuts.
If I was on shifts I'd be on over £40K p.a.