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18 June 2014
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George Laverick at work around 1962
George Laverick at work around 1962
Your Story: Holly's Grandad

When I worked they employed over 500 people, with 3 paper making machines.

I travelled to work by riding my bicycle which was about 3 miles away. I enojy my work however I did not like the shift hours. We did not need to wear a uniform just normal clothes. The conditions on the machines was very dangerous because you were working on you one hundred yards of moving machinery. I have seen men loose fingers and severe burns as a result of being trapped in the machinery.

Our local cinema was the Gaiety in hendon, Sunderland, and for the Saturday matinee we could get into the cinema with jam jars. The reason you could do this was because there was a jam factory at the top of our street called Bradnums.

Words: George Laverick

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Those who can’t, teach: Dorothea Beale & Cheltenham Ladies' College
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