Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Treubh an Tuathanais (Big Barn Farm)
Series 2: 20. Uircean air Iteig...
Tha Muireall airson sgèith ann am bailiùn. Muireall wants to go on a balloon trip.
Boban is Fuigheag
Series 1: 13. Dol Air Chuairt
Tha Boban dol a thoirt Fuigheag air chuairt! Boban is going to take Fuigheag for a walk!
Series 1: 14. Falach-fead
Tha cluich falach fead a’ còrdadh ri Fuigheag. Fuigheag enjoys playing falach fead.
Series 1: 18. Tha Fradharc Dà -fhìllt’ aig AH-AH
Tha fradharc AH-AH neònach an-diugh. AH-AH’s eyesight is strange today.
Su Pic (Peek Zoo)
Series 1: 21. H-uile Sian ris a’ Mhionaid
A timetable would be very helpful to keep order today.
Ladybird & Bee/Daolag-bhreac is Seillean
Series 1: 1. Leum an Leumadair
Tha fionnain-fheòir leumnach. Grasshoppers are jumpy.
Meaban and Moo
Series 2: Episode 3
Feumaidh Meaban is Moo paidhrichean a lorg. Meaban and Moo are looking for pairs.
Series 3: 11. Chan urrainn dhan mhathan sin coimhead às dèidh clann...
Ewen Henderson reads Chan urrainn dhan mhathan sin coimhead às dèidh clann.
Belle and Sebastian
Series 1: 51. An Gobhar Èiginneach
Tha cùis èiginn mheidigeach ann an-diugh! There’s a medical emergency today!
Dubhlain C³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Alba
Series 1: Episode 1
Hannah takes a look at some of the crazy challenges attempted by the C³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Alba team.
Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and Gumbles
Series 1: 27. An Caiptean ³§²µ°ùì´Ç²ú²¹¾±°ù...
Tha cumhachd aig Uilidh an-diugh. Uilidh has power today.
A’ Chùil
Series 1: Episode 10
Choirstaidh is making a tart that looks delicious, but you wouldn’t want to eat it.
Series 1: 9. Feachd nan Cat-fiadhaich
Tha Flix ‘son bhith mar shà r chat feireil. Flix wants to be like an ultimate outdoor cat.
Dealbhan Fraoich/Heather's Portraits
Series 4: Episode 2
Heather Dewar visits Lewis where she draws a colour portrait of Maggie Mackenzie.
Melina MacLean discusses the impact of Sorley MacLean’s poem, Ban-Ghà idheal, on her.
Series 4: 22. BÃ rdachd | Poetry
Eilidh Lewsey guests and Calum Maclean is in Crail, Fife to meet poet Deborah Moffatt.
Local, national and international news and information from ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA.
Immigration Tracks
Canada le Anne NicAilpein: Episode 2
The journey continues to Nova Scotia via a vineyard on the edge of the Bras d’Or Lake.
Series 14: 7. Each nan Eilean
Mairi Ross learns about Scotland’s native horses.
Series 3: Episode 2
Tha à imhreit a' toirt air Isla teicheadh. A row with Sarah Jane makes Isla flee from Camus
Eilean Chanaigh
Series 1: Episode 2
An insight into island life in a fragile community with only 15 residents.
Mach a Seo! - An Roinn Eorpa
Series 1: Episode 3
A trip to Seville with Ramsay. Turas gu ruige Seville le Ramsay.