Jeremy Hardy is one of the UK's foremost comedians.
Following a sell-out Spring tour he's appearing for one night only
at the Festival.
Well known for his TV and radio contributions, Jeremy wrote and presented
the satirical 成人快手2 series All the Fun of the Mayor, and appeared in
If I Ruled the World.
He is an essential member of Radio 4's News Quiz and a favourite in
Just a Minute and I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Clue.
Beneath Jeremy's mild-mannered and charming exterior there lurks one
of the original angry young men.
Like many other political comedians of the past two decades, he cut
his teeth during the Thatcher years and sank them in deeply.
Unlike others, however, he has maintained his left-of centre stance
and still actively campaigns for the issues that have always mattered
to him.
Never one to waste energy on pointless anger, Hardy's approach is
to use reasoned argument coupled with brilliantly wry gags and biting